This is a Command Line Interface for the Busbar APIs.
Installation (Recomended)
- The Busbar CLI tool should be installed through gem as show bellow:
gem install busbar-cli
Setup (chose one of the methods bellow)
With a pre-existent Busbar CLI configuration file:
busbar -f /path/to/configuration/file
With interactive prompts:
busbar -a
- For installations done through Ruby's gem:
gem uninstall busbar-cli
rm /usr/local/bin/busbar rm $HOME/.busbar/config rm $HOME/.busbar/kubectl-*
busbar --version # Show Busbar's CLI version
busbar app-config # Local application CLI configuration.
busbar apps # List the applications
busbar busbar-setup # Create the Busbar config file
busbar clone APP ENV ENV_CLONE_NAME # Clone an environment
busbar console APP ENV # Run a fresh console in the context of an application
busbar containers APP ENV # List the containers of an application
busbar copy SOURCE_FILE DESTINATION_FILE # Copy files and directories to and from containers
busbar create APP [ENV] # Create an application or an environment
busbar create-db NAME TYPE ENV # Create a database
busbar databases # List databases available
busbar deploy APP ENV [BRANCH] # Deploy an environment
busbar destroy APP [ENV] # Destroy an application or an environment and all of their resources
busbar destroy-db DB-NAME # Destroy a database
busbar environments APP # List the environments of an application
busbar fetch-build-logs APP ENV # Get the logs from the latest build
busbar get APP ENV SETTING # Get the value of an environment variable of a given environment
busbar help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
busbar kubeconfig-update # Update kubectl configuration file
busbar latest_build APP ENV # Get information from the environment's latest build
busbar logs APP_OR_CONTAINER ENV [COMPONENT_TYPE] # Fetch the logs from a component or container
busbar profile [PROFILE] # Set the Busbar profile. With no arguments get current profile
busbar profiles # Show the available profiles
busbar publish APP ENV # Publish an environment
busbar resize APP ENV [COMPONENT_TYPE] NODE_TYPE # Change the current node type of an environment or a component
busbar run COMMAND POD # Run commands in a container.
busbar scale APP ENV COMPONENT_TYPE SCALE # Scale a component
busbar set APP ENV SETTING=VALUE OTHER_SETTING=VALUE [...] # Set one or more environment variables at once. Use --no-deploy or --deploy=false to not deploy immediately
busbar settings APP ENV # List the settings of an environment
busbar show APP [ENV] # Show details of an application or an environment
busbar show-db NAME # Show details of a database
busbar ssh CONTAINER ENV # Run a console in a container
busbar unset APP ENV SETTING # Delete an environment variable
busbar url APP ENV # Get the URL of an environment
busbar version APP ENV # Show an environment's version
busbar wtf CONTAINER ENV # Fetch the logs from a container failing to initialize (Error or CrashLoopBackOff)
Busbar can work with multiple Kubernetes clusters. In busbar we refer to them as profiles.
In order to switch between profiles, you must use the command: busbar profile PROFILE_ID
The profiles available can be listed by running the command: busbar profiles