Use CanCan's :permitted_attributes method to automatically determine controller permitted parameters.
CanCan provides a way to set permitted attributes, so why build something else?
Install (add to Gemfile)
gem 'cancancan_resource_controller', '~> 1'
(Optional) create init file: config/initializers/cancancan_resource_controller.rb and populate it with the following:
require "cancancan_resource_controller"
# default values shown
CanCanCan::NestedAssignmentAndAuthorization.configure do |config|
# Allows for stopping unauthorized actions without raising errors
# - Will let root object (and valid, other nested objects) save, even if an invalid nested object exists, if true
config.silence_raised_errors = false
# Auto-determine what action to auth on nested associations (:create, :update, :destroy)
# - :create if is a new record
# - :update if pre-existing record
# - :destroy if :_destroy parameter is present
# - will use the action of the root object if set to false
config.use_smart_nested_authorizations = true
# Set to `true` if you're nesting parameter data under the resource_key
# - i.e. params => {user: {email: 'test', name: 'fun'}}
# Set to `false` if resource parameter data is direct in in params.
# - i.e. params => {email: 'test', name: 'fun'}
config.use_resource_key_in_params = false
Mainly built out the :create, :update, and :destroy methods. We also have the :index and :show methods, but I would recommend overriding those.
class UsersController < ActionController::Base
include CanCanCan::AbstractResourceController
# index, update, create, destroy methods are now provided and backed by CanCan's Ability settings.
# All actions use the following to pull the object from the database:
# `@resource ||= @resource_class.find(params[:id])`
# if you need to locate the object yourself, or apply additional logic, you can use a `before_action` hook.
# almost all methods will render a @resource object
# - :index renders a @resources object
# i.e.:
# respond_to do |format|
# format.html # Renders the default
# format.json { render json: @resource }
# end
Handing associations in your ability.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :vehicles, inverse_of: :user
accepts_nested_attributes_for :vehicles, allow_destroy: true
class Vehicle < ApplicationRecord
has_many :vehicles_parts
has_many :parts, through: :vehicles_parts
belongs_to :user
class Parts < ApplicationRecord
has_many :vehicles_parts
has_many :vehicles, through: :vehicles_parts
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize(user = nil)
# Nested Attribs
# - `association_name + '_attributes'`
# - :vehicles_attributes will be used to permit it's usage in your controller
can :update, User, [:first_name, :last_name, :vehicles_attributes]
# Add/Remove IDs from has_many assocation
# - part_ids
can :update, Vehicle, [:make, :model, :part_ids]
Implementing Pagination on :index
class UsersController < ActionController::Base
include CanCanCan::AbstractResourceController
# Use a gem or implement manually, like so
def respond_with_resources
page = params[:page]&.to_i || 1
per_page = params[:per_page]&.to_i || 10
offset = per_page * (page - 1)
@resources = @resources.limit(per_page).offset(offset)
Implementing search on :index
class UsersController < ActionController::Base
include CanCanCan::AbstractResourceController
# - can be used for searching or whatever
def index_resource_query resource_query
return resource_query