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Gem that will allow 'abilities' to be assigned to 'capable' objects that can be independantly expired and renewed.


~> 1.7
>= 0
>= 0
~> 10.0
>= 0


 Project Readme


This Gem works similar to UNIX group permissions. The server defines different 'abilities' that can then be applied to capable objects via a capabilities join table. The capabilities table also allows expiration dates to be defined and applies the concept of renewer's where another object can renew the expiration date of the capability.

This scheme was originally developed to provide purchasable features in an APP via In App Purchase that would renew based on subscriptions. The User is the capable object and the Receipt is the renewer. If a receipt renews, it has the ability to update the capabilities for the User

One good feature about this class is if a user has a certain ability from 2 different sources, if one of them expires or is deleted, the user will still have the ability from the other source. For example

  • User purchases [pro, gold] abilities. User is now [pro, gold]
  • User purchases [sponsor, gold] abilities. User is now [sponsor, pro, gold]
  • User expires [pro, gold] abilities. User is now [sponsor, gold]

This ability scheme can be applied to any object in the database by using the acts_as_capable method.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'capable'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install capable


Setup Database Schema

Run the following code to create the Ability and Capability models and migration file.

$ rails generate capable

In order to activate the local caching features of this Gem, you will need to add the following to your migration file for each class you are going to declare as capable.

add_column :<capable class>, :ability_list, :string

If you do not add the above attribute to all of your capable objects, the system will query for the abilities EVERY TIME you call ability_array on a capable object. Once complete, migrate the database by running

$ rake db:migrate


To set different configuration options, create the file "config/initializers/capable.rb" with the following code (currently you can only turn on 'verbose')

require 'capable'

Capable.configure do |config|
  config.verbose = true


The Ability class provides a way for the admin to create different abilities that can be assigned to capable objects. It has the following instance methods

# This will assign an ability to a capable object via the capability class (the options in []'s are optional)
ability.assign_capable(capable, [active=true, expires_at=nil, renewer=nil])


The Capability class is what ties the abilities to capable objects. It also has a renewer hook that provides a way for something to periodically renew the expiration date. Another cool feature of this class is that when updated, it will automatically re-initialize the ability_list of the capable object if it is defined. Here are it's methods

# Create a capability (the options in []'s are optional)
Capability.create_capability(capable, ability, [active=true, expires_at=nil, renewer=nil])

# Expires all capabilities that have an expiration date that is not nil and is older than the passed in date (sets active to false).  This will automatically update the abilities of the corresponding capable object

# Renew the capability

Acts As Capable

For each class that you would like to assign abilities to, do the following in your class. For this example, we will use the class User.

require 'capable'

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_capable # Rails 4
  # note for Rails <= 3.x, you need to use 'acts_as_capable_3x'

Also note from above that you will want to create a string called ability_list on the class to allow for local caching of abilities in the capable object. This is all handled automatically by the Gem when a capability is updated.

Once an object is declared as capable it allows the following methods to be defined

# See if the user has a certain ability.  Note that 'ability' can either be an ability object OR the 'ability' string attribute of an ability object

# Return a comma delimited list of strings of the different abilities.  This is useful for example when serializing the object over an API.  The mobile client can simply work off of this array.

# Assign an ability to a user (the options in []'s are optional)
user.assign_ability(ability, [active=true, expires_at=nil, renewer=nil])

# Unassign an ability from a user (just sets active to false.  The options in []'s are optional)
user.unassign_ability(ability, [renewer=nil])

Acts As Capability Renewer

A capability renewer is a class that can renew the expiration date of capabilities such as a subscription. To create these classes do the following

require 'capable'

class Renewer < ActiveRecord::Base

Once an object is declared as a capability renewer, it has the following instance methods available to it

# Create capabilities for a capable object with this as the renewer.  This will only create the capabilities if capable is not nil, the abilities array has values, and the current count of the capabilities is 0
renewer.create_capabilities(capable, abilities, active, expires_at)

# Renew the expiration date for the capabilities of a renewer (note that this sets active attribute based on the current date so if it is in the past, active will be set to 'false')

The renewer concept allows a capability to be renewed when the expiration date is updated. This is good for example when a user purchases more time on a role.


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/capable/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

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