Capistrano React Assets
Package react assets locally (once) and upload to each host. This saves you time since the npm modules are only installed (and compiled) once, and the assets are only packaged once. The assets are then compressed, shipped, and unpacked.
Add the library to your Gemfile
gem 'capistrano-react-assets'
Add the library to your Capfile
require 'capistrano/react-assets'
Provide some setup and invoke the commands in your config/deploy.rb
or config/deploy/ENVIRONMENT.rb
set :assets_tar, "assets.tar.bz2"
set :assets_package_path, "public/webpack"
set :remote_assets_tar, File.join(fetch(:deploy_to), "current", fetch(:assets_tar))
set :remote_assets_path, File.join(fetch(:deploy_to), "current", fetch(:assets_package_path))
before "unicorn_restart", "react_assets:prepare_environment"
after "react_assets:prepare_environment", "react_assets:package_and_upload"
after "react_assets:package_and_upload", "react_assets:cleanup"