A gem that enables Capistrano 3 to download artifacts from Artifactory or Nexus and extract their contents to the release directory instead of using SCM to deploy an application.
Add gem 'capistrano_scm_nexus'
to your Gemfile.
Add require 'capistrano_scm_nexus'
to your Capfile.
Set the following configuration variables in config/deploy.rb
or wherever relevant:
set :scm, 'nexus'
set :nexus_endpoint, 'http://nexus.example.com/nexus/content/repositories'
set :nexus_artifact_name, 'my-application'
set :nexus_artifact_version, '1.0.2'
set :nexus_repository, 'releases'
set :nexus_group_id, 'com.example'
Other useful variables:
- Overrides the strategy used by this gem with the constant that you specify.
Based on the information you provide, the Nexus strategy will download a tgz from the nexus repository and untar and ungzip it into the releases directory.
This gem expects that you have already tarred and gzipped your application and uploaded it to nexus.