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Capistrano recipes in use at novelys


~> 2.15.0
~> 0.0.2
 Project Readme

Capistranovelys - Keeping our recipes DRY

This gem includes every recipe/task that is in use in more than one project at Novelys.


capistranovelys has a dependency on recent versions of capistrano, meaning you can remove capistrano and capistrano-ext from your Gemfile, and replace it with :

gem "capistranovelys", '~> 2.0.1'


In your deploy.rb :

  • remove `require "production_chain/capistrano" if you are using novelys/production_chain
  • add require 'capistrano/novelys' (loads the core recipes)
  • load recipes you need, eg: use_recipes :database, :rails2, :rbenv, :whenever. To be used BEFORE other loading of recipes such as deploy/assets, otherwise some hooks (such as the symlinks) will be executed too late.
    • You can use use_novelys_and [arg, ...]. It will load airbrake, rbenv, logs, stages, remote_commands, production_chain, and the recipes supplied as arguments. This will also use Novelys' configuration for user, deploy_to, and repository. Use use_novelys if you don't want/need anything else.
  • You probably want to set user, deploy_to, and repository at the very least. Refer to core.rb to see which default values are set
  • Make sure you don't have duplicates!

Recipes available


Common setup and options is done here. I suggest reading the file to go through all the details.

Basically, using core means you're using git, you're using rails, and you'll keep 5 releases.


This gem has a dependency on sushi. This allows you to do capistrano [stage] ssh.

Rails (rails)

Rails 3 & 4 commands.

  • rails:console : open a rails console
  • rails:secret_token:copy : copy the secret_token from your local file to the shared path
  • rails:secret_token:symlink : symlink the secret_token.rb file from the shared path to the current path. Hooked after deploy:update_code

Rails 2 (rails2)

Rails 2 commands.

  • rails:console : open a rails console
  • rails:secret_token:copy : copy the session_store from your local file to the shared path
  • rails:secret_token:symlink : symlink the session_store.rb file from the shared path to the current path. Hooked after deploy:update_code

Stages (stages)

Replacement with better defaults for stages:

  • bundles two stages, staging and production, staging being the default`;
  • those stages comes with default for branch and rails_env; staging can override branch at runtime (via cap -S branch=value);
  • if no stages are specified, stages are defined and loaded by looking in config/deploy/*.rb

You should not require capistrano/ext/multistage.

Database (database)

  • database:create : create the database
  • database:seed : seed the database
  • database:copy : copy the database.yml from your local file to the shared path
  • database:symlink : symlink the database.yml file from the shared path to the current path. Hooked after deploy:update_code

Mongoid (mongoid)

  • mongoid:copy : copy the mongoid.yml from your local file to the shared path
  • mongoid:symlink : symlink the mongoid.yml file from the shared path to the current path. Hooked after deploy:update_code
  • mongoid:index : create the indexes

Logs (logs)

  • logs:tail : tail the logs of the rails app

Production chain (production_chain)

Recipes usings rake tasks from novelys/production_chain. Will work only if the gem is present.

  • db:dump_and_restore: restore the database from the server to your local env. Supply FILE=mongoid when using mongoid.
  • assets:dump_and_restore: restore the assets from the public direction to your local env.

Rbenv (rbenv)

Setup the default_environment with the correct path for rbenv

Remote commands (remote_commands)

  • remote:rake : Execute a rake task on the target (eg: cap remote:rake "assets:precompile")
  • remote:command : Execute a shell command on the target (eg: cap remote:command ls)

S3 (s3)

  • s3:copy : copy the amazon_s3.yml from your local file to the shared path
  • s3:symlink : symlink the amazon_s3.yml file from the shared path to the current path. Hooked after deploy:update_code

Unicorn (unicorn)

deploy:start, deploy:stop, deploy:graceful_stop, deploy:reload, deploy:restart tasks for unicorn

Puma (puma)

deploy:start, deploy:stop, deploy:graceful_stop, deploy:reload, deploy:restart tasks for puma. Doesn't actually do anything except requiring "puma".

Airbrake (airbrake)

  • airbrake:copy : copy the airbrake.rb from your local file to the shared path
  • airbrake:symlink : symlink the airbrake.rb file from the shared path to the current path. Hooked after deploy:update_code

Sphinx (sphinx)

  • thinking_sphinx:copy : copy the *.sphinx.conf from your local file to the shared path
  • thinking_sphinx:symlink : symlink the *.sphinx.conf file from the shared path to the current path. Hooked after deploy:update_code
  • Every task available under the namespace thinking_sphinx is also available under the namespace ts, eg. ts:rebuild

Sunspot (sunspot)

  • sunspot:copy : copy the sunspot.yml from your local file to the shared path
  • sunspot:symlink : symlink the sunspot.yml file from the shared path to the current path. Hooked after deploy:update_code

Whenever (whenever)

Setup options for the whenever gem