An instant capybara/cucumber/rspec/selenium-webdriver configuration for web apps that aren't written in Ruby.
What does it do?
Runs your web app in a child process
Waits for your web app to start (by matching a regex against stdout output)
Sets up selenium-webdriver to use capybara and rspec expectations
Points selenium-webdriver at your web app host
Sets selenium as the default capybara driver
Include cappie in your Gemfile, e.g.
source '' gem 'cappie'
Install your dependencies via bundler:
> bundle install
Ensure your web app can be started with a single command, and that it writes something predictable to stdout when it is ready to accept requests.
Add cappie into your cucumber environment (features/support/env.rb):
require 'cappie' Cappie.start( command: './serve/my/app --port 8080', await: /listening at 8080/, host: 'http://localhost:8080', driver: :poltergeist, environment: { variable: 'value' }, working_dir: '/some/dir' ) (driver, environment and working_dir are optional)
Just add cucumber features and step definitions. Your steps can use use capybara, e.g.
# features/step_definitions/my_app_steps.rb
When /^I open my app$/ do
visit '/'
Then /^I should see something rendered by my app$/ do
page.should have_content('Hello from my app')
You can see debug output when you set the environment variable CAPPIE_DEBUG=true
CAPPIE_DEBUG=true cucumber