Looking to deploy a Wordpress website? Cappress extends Capistrano, removing the rails-ism, replacing them by more wp-ish ones.
Cloned from Capcake
If you don't have Capistrano and/or Cappress already installed (basically, just the 1st time):
# gem install capistrano
# gem install cappress -s http://gemcutter.org
For every application you'll want to deploy:
# cd /path/to/app && capify .
This will create the following files in your project (don't forget to commit them!):
Prepend your config/deploy.rb with the following lines:
require 'rubygems'
require 'cappress'
And make sure you start cappress on the last line of that same file:
You should then be able to proceed as you usually would. To familiarize yourself with the now modified list of tasks, you can get a full list with:
$ cap -T
Before continuing, some changes to config/deploy.rb are necessary. First, your project's name:
set :application, "your_app_name"
Next, setting up the Git repository (make sure it's accessible by both your local machine and server your are deploying to):
set :repository, "git@domain.com:path/to/repo"
Now, to deploy from Git, and by following GitHub's suggestion (they must know what they are talking about), add a user (defaults to deployer by cappress's recipe) to your server(s) just for deployments. In this example, I will be using SSH keys instead of getting a Git password prompt. Local user's SSH key must be added to deployer's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys for this to work as described.
ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true
We need to tell it where to deploy, using what methods:
server "www.domain.tld", :app, :db, :primary => true
And finally, some CakePHP related settings (if omitted, Cappress will NOT handle deploying Wordpress):
set :wp_branch, ""
You can change the default values for the following variables also:
set :wp_branch, "1.2"
set :wp_path, "/path/to"
set :user, "your_username"
set :branch, "tag"
The first time you are deploying, you need to run:
# cap deploy:setup
That should create on your server the following directory structure:
Finally, deploy:
# cap deploy
Which will change the directory structure to become:
[deploy_to]/current -> [deploy_to]/releases/20091013001122
[deploy_to]/releases/20091013001122/system -> [deploy_to]/shared/system
[deploy_to]/releases/20091013001122/wp-content/uploads -> [deploy_to]/shared/uploads
Patches & Features
- Fork
- Mod, fix
- Test - this is important, so it's not unintentionally broken
- Commit - do not mess with license, todo, version, etc. (if you do change any, make them into commits of their own that I can ignore when I pull)
- Pull request - bonus point for topic branches