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Rest client for services using CAS authentication.


>= 1.4.2
 Project Readme


A simple HTTP and REST client to interact with services using CAS for authentication. Strongly based on RestClient.

Basic Usage:

The simplest usage is creating an instance of CasRestClient with the credentials for your app and use it every time you need to interact with the CASified application.

require 'rubygems'  
require 'cas_rest_client'    

client = CasRestClient.new :uri => 'https://some-cas-server.com/tickets', :username => 'user', password => 'pass'  

client.post 'http://service.using.cas', some_xml, :content_type => :xml  

When the CasRestClient instance is created it'll automatically create a Ticket-Granting Ticket (tgt) and use it during its lifetime. If the credentials provided are not valid, a RestClient::Request::Unauthorized exception will be raised.

Passing custom parameters to CAS

You can pass any custom parameter by adding it to the initialization hash. Doing so, CasRestClient will use these parameters to create the Ticket-Granting Ticket on CAS.

For example, to pass a 'domain' custom parameter just add:

params = {:uri => 'https://some-cas-server.com/tickets', :username => 'user', password => 'pass', :domain => "myDomain"}
client = CasRestClient.new params

client.post 'http://service.using.cas', some_xml, :content_type => :xml 

Custom parameters for the CASified app

Since CasRestClient uses RestClient to make HTTP requests, you can set any parameters that RestClient accepts while interacting with the CASified application.

For example, to pass additional HTTP headers:

client = CasRestClient.new :uri => 'https://some-cas-server.com/tickets', :username => 'user', password => 'pass'

headers = {:content_type => 'text/xml', :user_agent => 'my_app', 'Accept-Language' => 'en_US'}  
client.post 'http://service.using.cas', some_xml, headers

Additional options

:service => 'some_string' (default to CASified app URI)

By default, CasRestClient uses the URI of the CASified app as the service parameter to create service tickets. To change this just provide the :service param:

client = CasRestClient.new :uri => 'https://some-cas-server.com/tickets', :service => "http://my_svc.com"

client.post 'http://service.using.cas', some_xml, headers

With this example configuration, CasRestClient will always create service tickets for the http://my_svc.com service.

:ticket_header => "header_name"

By default, the ticket will be sent as a parameter in query string. If you have to send the ticket in the request header you might configure the header name that you want it uses.

client = CasRestClient.new :uri => 'https://some-cas-server.com/tickets', :ticket_header => "header_name"

client.post 'http://service.using.cas', some_xml, headers

use_cookie => Boolean (default true)

By default, the first time you make a request to the CASified app CasRestClient will save all cookies from the response and give it back in all other requests. This prevents 2 extra CAS requests for every single CASified app request: your application won't need to ask CAS for a new service ticket and the CASified app won't need to check if the ticket is valid.

If you want to prevent this behaviour, just set :use_cookies to false:

client = CasRestClient.new :uri => 'https://some-cas-server.com/tickets', :use_cookies => false

client.post 'http://service.using.cas', some_xml, headers

Configuration file

You can place all your CAS auth configuration in a file config/cas_rest_client.yml. CasRestClient will look for this file to get its configuration. For example:

uri: https://some-cas-server.com/tickets  
domain: some_domain  
username: some_user  
password: pass  
use_cookies: false  

And then:

CasRestClient.new.post 'http://service.using.cas', some_xml, headers

If you want to override parameters, you just need to pass it when creating the object. The parameter read from config/cas_rest_client.yml will be overwritten. For example,

client = CasRestClient.new :use_cookies => true

will use cookies.

In a Rails app, you can even define parameters according to the current Rails.env:

  uri: https://some-cas-server.com/tickets  
  domain: some_domain  
  username: some_user  
  password: pass  
  use_cookies: false  

  uri: https://some-test-cas-server.com/tickets  
  domain: test_domain  
  username: test_user  
  password: test_pass  
  use_cookies: true  

Project info

Written by Antonio Marques and Roberto Klein. Contributions and feedback are welcomed.


Thiago Morello