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a ruby api client for the cassia router api


~> 2.0
>= 0
>= 0
~> 13.0
>= 0
>= 0


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Maintainability CircleCI


This gem was created in order to allow Ruby developers to interact with the Cassia Bluetooth Gateway API's https://www.cassianetworks.com/download/docs/Cassia_SDK_Implementation_Guide.pdf.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cassia-ruby'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install cassia-ruby


Here is a list of the available configuration options and their default values

Option Description Optional
ac_url The URL of your AC server address No
client_id Your Cassia API Developer Key No
secret Your Cassia API Developer Secret No
client_cert Your SSL client cert Yes
client_key Your SSL client key Yes
ca_file Your SSL CA file Yes
ca_path The path to your SSL CA files Yes

Setting your configuration

To set configuration options use the Cassia.configure method:

Cassia.configure do |config|
  config.ac_url = ENV['CASSIA_AC_URL']
  config.client_id = ENV['CASSIA_CLIENT_ID']
  config.secret = ENV['CASSIA_SECRET']



In the following context, access_controller is a Cassia::AccessController object which contains attributes and structures of a Cassia access controller.

Retrieve An Access Token From the Cassia API


get_token will make a request from access_controller to generate an access token encoded from config.client_id and config.secret using base64.

access_token will return the access token of access_controller.

Obtain Cassia router's status


routers will return an Array of Router objects connected to access_controller.

Switch Router Auto-Selection

access_controller.switch_autoselect(flag: 1)

If flag is 1, the router auto-selection function will be enabled. If flag is 0, the router auto-selection function will be disabled.

Open Scanning for all the routers in the router list

access_controller.open_scan(aps: ["CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8",  "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8", "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8"], chip: 0, active: 0, filter_name: "cassia", filter_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F7", filter_uuid: "00001800-0000-1000-800000805f9b34fb")

aps is an array of one or multiple router's MAC address. chip (optional) means which chip to scan. active (optional) is either 0 or 1. 0 means enable passive scanning, 1 means enable active scanning. filter_name (optional) is a filter for device name. filter_mac (optional) is a filter for device MAC. filter_uuid (optional) is a filter for device UUID.

Close Scanning for all the routers in the router list

access_controller.close_scan(aps: ["CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8",  "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8", "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8"])

aps is an array of one or multiple router's MAC address.

Connect A Device to An Automatically Selected Router from the router list

access_controller.connect_device(aps: '*', device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8")

aps is an array of one or multiple router's MAC address, or the string '*' which refers to all currently connected routers. device_mac is the mac address of the device that you are connecting to. You may only pass in one MAC address.

Disconnect A Device

access_controller.disconnect_device(device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8")

device_mac is the mac address of the device that you are disconnecting.

Open Notification on SSE Channel

access_controller.open_notify(aps:  ["CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8","CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8"])

aps is an array of one or multiple router's MAC address.

Close Notification on SSE Channel

access_controller.close_notify(aps: ["CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8","CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8"])

aps is an array of one or multiple router's MAC address.

Open Connection-state Monitoring on SSE Channel

access_controller.open_connection_state(aps: ["CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8","CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8"])

aps is an array of one or multiple router's MAC address.

Close Connection-state Monitoring on SSE Channel

access_controller.close_connection_state(aps: ["CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8","CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F9"])

aps is an array of one or multiple router's MAC address.

Open Ap-state Monitoring on SSE Channel


Close Ap-state Monitoring on SSE Channel


Create One Combined SSE Connection

access_controller.combined_sse do |client|
  client.on_event do |event|
    puts "I received an event: #{event.type}, #{event.data}"
   # put code here to act on events
  client.on_error { |err| puts "#{err.status}" }

You can pass a block to the combined_sse method that allows you to act on the SSE's that you get from the routers.

We are using the https://github.com/launchdarkly/ruby-eventsource gem ld-eventsource for our SSE client. Please refer to their documentation for more info.

Discover All GATT Services

access_controller.discover_all_services(router: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8", device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F9")

router is the MAC address of the router that is currently connected to the access controller.

device_mac is the mac address of the device that you are discovering all GATT services of.

device is an Cassia::Device object with mac address device_mac. device.services returns all GATT services provided by device.

Discover All GATT Characteristics

access_controller.discover_all_char(router: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8", device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F9")

router is the MAC address of the router that is currently connected to the access controller.

device_mac is the mac address of the device that you are discovering all GATT characteristics of.

device is an Cassia::Device object with mac address device_mac. device.characteristics returns all GATT characteristics of services provided by device.

Discover All Characteristics of One Service

access_controller.discover_all_char(router: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8", device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F9", service_uuid: "00001800-0000-1000-800000805f9b34fb")

router is the MAC address of the router that is currently connected to the access controller.

device_mac is the mac address of the device that you are discovering GATT characteristics of.

servide_uuid is the uuid of the service that you are discovering GATT characteristics of.

service is an Cassia::Service object with uuid service_uuid. service.characteristics returns all GATT characteristics of service.

Discover All Characteristics And Services

access_controller.discover_all_services_and_chars(router: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8", device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F9")

router is the MAC address of the router that is currently connected to the access controller.

device_mac is the mac address of the device that you are discovering GATT characteristics and services of.

device is an Cassia::Device object with mac address device_mac. device.services returns all GATT services provided by device. device.characteristics returns all GATT characteristics of services provided by device.

Write Value Of A Characteristic

access_controller.write_char_by_handle(router: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8", device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F9", handle: 3, value: "0100")

router is the MAC address of the router that is currently connected to the access controller.

device_mac is the mac address of the device that you are writing GATT characteristic to.

handle is the handle of the characteristic that you are writing.

value refers to the function you would like executed. To open the notification, set value to "0100". To close the notification, set value to "0000".

Open Notification of A Characteristic

access_controller.open_char_notification(router: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8", device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F9", handle: 3)

router is the MAC address of the router that is currently connected to the access controller.

device_mac is the mac address of the device whose characteristic is being turned on notification.

handle is the handle of the characteristic that you are turning notification on.

Close Notification of A Characteristic

access_controller.close_char_notification(router: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F8", device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F9", handle: 3)

router is the MAC address of the router that is currently connected to the access controller.

device_mac is the mac address of the device whose characteristic is being turned off notification.

handle is the handle of the characteristic that you are turning notification off.


In the following context, router is a Cassia::Router object which contains attributes and structures of a router.

Connect To A Target Device

router.connect_local(access_controller, device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F9", type: "random")

device_mac is the mac address of the device that you are connecting router to.

type is the address type of the device, either "public" or "random".

Disconnect A Target Device

router.disconnect_local(access_controller, device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F9")

device_mac is the mac address of the device that you are disconnecting from router.

Get Device List Connected To A Router


connected_devices returns an Array of devices connected to router.

Discover All GATT Services

router.discover_all_services(access_controller, device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F9")

device_mac is the mac address of the device that you are discovering all GATT services of.

device is an Cassia::Device object with mac address device_mac. device.services returns all GATT services provided by device.

Discover All GATT Characteristics

router.discover_all_char(access_controller, device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F9")

device_mac is the mac address of the device that you are discovering all GATT characteristics of.

device is an Cassia::Device object with mac address device_mac. device.characteristics returns all GATT characteristics of services provided by device.

Discover All Characteristics of One Service

router.discover_all_char(access_controller, device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F9", service_uuid: "00001800-0000-1000-800000805f9b34fb")

device_mac is the mac address of the device that you are discovering GATT characteristics of.

servide_uuid is the uuid of the service that you are discovering GATT characteristics of.

service is an Cassia::Service object with uuid service_uuid. service.characteristics returns all GATT characteristics of service.

Discover All Characteristics And Services

router.discover_all_services_and_chars(access_controller, device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F9")

device_mac is the mac address of the device that you are discovering GATT characteristics and services of.

device is an Cassia::Device object with mac address device_mac. device.services returns all GATT services provided by device. device.characteristics returns all GATT characteristics of services provided by device.

Write Value Of A Characteristic

router.write_char_by_handle(access_controller, device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F9", handle: 3, value: "0100")

device_mac is the mac address of the device that you are writing GATT characteristic to.

handle is the handle of the characteristic that you are writing.

value refers to the function you would like executed. To open the notification, set value to "0100". To close the notification, set value to "0000".

Open Notification of A Characteristic

router.open_char_notification(access_controller, device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F9", handle: 3)

device_mac is the mac address of the device whose characteristic is being turned on notification.

handle is the handle of the characteristic that you are turning notification on.

Close Notification of A Characteristic

router.close_char_notification(access_controller, device_mac: "CC:1B:E0:E7:FE:F9", handle: 3)

device_mac is the mac address of the device whose characteristic is being turned off notification.

handle is the handle of the characteristic that you are turning notification off.


A class whose objects contain attributes of a characteristic of some service provided by a BLE device.


A class whose objects contain attributes of a BLE device.


A class whose objects contain attributes of a service provided by a BLE device.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/iteratelabs/cassia-ruby. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Cassia::Ruby project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.