Static parser for casks
Parses casks statically (and safely) and offers their contents to anyone who asks the right questions.
Also has preliminary support for regular Homebrew formulae.
It's a gem. Use any of the dozen gem managers out there to wrangle it onto your system.
$ gem install castic
$ gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc castic
$ echo "gem 'castic'" >> Gemfile
$ bundle
$ echo "gem 'castic', '~>0.2.0'" >> Gemfile
$ bundle install
$ rvm use 2.0.0
$ rvm gemset create foobar
$ gem install castic
$ brew gem castic
# Don't do that, won't work
(Installing gems: being batshit insane in about fifteen different ways)
require 'castic'
# Load a cask
c = 'foo.rb'
# ...or a formula
c = 'bar.rb', :Formula #=> Name according to class name
c.expected_name #=> Name according to file name
c.tree #=> Parsed source
c.props #=> Array of properties
c.props :foo #=> Array of :foo properties
Public Domain