A simple Ruby form library, intended for use with Rails
Largely inspired by Code Climate's 7 Patterns to Refactor Fat ActiveRecord Models as a method for encapsulating validation into an object with a single responsibility.
Cave::Form is a light glue layer around Rails' ActiveModel::Validations and Virtus' type coercion. You may want to consult their documentation for more options.
First define a Form subclass like so
class FormClass < Cave::Form
field :name, String,
presence: true,
format: { with: /\A[a-zA-Z]+\z/, message: "Only letters allowed" }
# Takes any number of standard Rails validation helper options
field :favorite_number, Integer,
inclusion: { in: 1..10 }
def persist!
# Define your persistence logic here.
# This method will be called whenever a valid form is saved.
"Form saved!"
The resulting class may be used as follows
form = FormClass.bind name: 'James Dabbs', favorite_number: 11
=> false
=> ["Name Only letters allowed", "Favorite number is not included in the list"]
form = FormClass.bind name: 'jamesdabbs', favorite_number: '7'
=> true
=> 7 # Note the type coercion!
=> "Form saved!"
###Forms for Models
For the common use case of creating or updating a model with a form, Cave provides the Cave::ModelForm class.
class ProfileForm < Cave::ModelForm
model Profile
field :name, String, presence: true
field :age, Integer
ProfileForm.bind(name: 'James').save! # Creates a new Profile named 'James'
instance = Profile.first
ProfileForm.bind(instance, name: 'Jim').save! # Updates the Profile's name
###Planned features
- Accept :default and :initial field options
- Add presenters for rendering forms into html (inc. a bootstrap template)
- Improve handling of intial values (as for unbound ModelForms)
- Write docs
- Requests?