Celluloid Benchmark realistically load tests websites.
Write expressive, concise load tests in Ruby. Use Rubinius and Celluloid for high concurrency. Use Mechanize for a realistic (albeit non-JavaScript) browser client.
Getting Started
gem install celluloid-benchmark
echo "benchmark :home_page, 1
get 'https://github.com/scottwillson/celluloid-benchmark'" > session.rb
celluloid-benchmark -d 1
Congrats! You just load-tested the project's Github page.
For your own tests, create a session file and pass its path to celluloid-benchmark.
Simple scenario
CelluloidBenchmark::Session.define do
benchmark :home_page, 1
get "https://github.com/scottwillson/celluloid-benchmark"
benchmark :label, duration
means "measure the following requests and group them under 'label'".
Duration is optional and defaults to 0.3 seconds.
Find and click a link
page = get "/offer/1"
buy_now_link = page.links_with(class: "buy_button").first
benchmark :purchase_new
page = get(buy_now_link.href)
form = page.forms_with(class: "simple_form purchase_form").first
form["CARDNO"] = "4111111111111111"
HTTP auth
add_auth "https://staging.example.com", "qa", "password"
Simulate AJAX
transact do
get "https://example.com/post_zones/AAA1NNN", [], nil, {
"Accept" => "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",
"X-Requested-With" => "XMLHttpRequest"
JSON requests (e.g., a mobile app API)
get "/mobile-api/v2/offers.json", [], nil, { "Accept" => "application/json, text/javascript, /; q=0.01" }
post( "/mobile-api/v2/signup.json", MultiJson.dump({ email: email }), { "Content-Type" => "application/json" } )
celluloid-benchmark --help
Test data
Because test scenarios are plain Ruby, you can drive tests in many different ways. The Faker gem is handy for random, realistic test data:
require "faker"
first_name = Faker::Name.first_name
last_name = Faker::Name.last_name
post_town = Faker::Address.city
form["CN"] = "#{first_name} #{last_name}"
form["c[addr][post_town]"] = post_town
The Forgery gem is good, too.
Celluloid Benchmark can also pull random test data from CSV files. For example:
get "https://example.com/post_zones/#{random_data(:post_zone)}"
pulls a random line from tmp/data/post_zones.csv
Extending session DSL
The DSL is simple and will change in early releases. To add custom DSL methods, add methods to Visitor module CelluloidBenchmark class Visitor def visit_from_homepage(target) ... end end end
Celluloid Benchmark agents delegate calls to Mechanize. If you need something more complicated
than the examples, check out the Mechanize API and call it directly with browser.
in your test scenario.
For a longer test, pass in a second duration argument (seconds): celluloid-benchmark my_test_session.rb 180
Sessions are defined as Procs, which means that you can't call return
in a session definition. If you do need to
short-circuit a session (for example, to simulate an early visitor exit), encapsulate that part of the session in a
method. You can call return from the method. See "Extending session DSL" above.
I need to simulate a lot of realistic traffic against preproduction code. There are many good tools that can put a high load on a static URL (e.g., ab), and there are a few tools (e.g., Tsung) that can generate realistic multiple-URL loads. By "realistic" I mean: follow links, maintain session state from one page to the next, simulate different types of simultaneous visitors (5% admin users + 10% business customers + 75% consumers). I found it difficult to maintain complex scenarios. Our Tsung tests, for instance, exploded into many ERB files that concatenated into a giant Tsung XML config (with some custom Erlang functions). I also wanted control over recording and displaying test results.
Wouldn't it be nice to just write Ruby?
Yes, expect for that Ruby GIL issue. Which led me to Rubinius and Celluloid.
Rubinius is a concurrency-friendly implementation of Ruby, and Celluloid is a nice Ruby actor framework.
Celluloid also works with MRI 1.9 and 2.0, though Celluloid Benchmark can generate more concurrent load with Rubinius. JRuby should also work well, maybe better.
I've just added features I need, but it should be easy to add more. For example:
- Pull specific keys/columns from CSV files
- Add random "think times" for visitors to pause on pages
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)"
curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash
rvm install rbx-2.2.1
git clone git@github.com:scottwillson/celluloid-benchmark.git
cd celluloid-benchmark
rvm gemset use celluloid-benchmark --create