Shamelessly stolen from
This is a simple Chef report handler that reports status of a Chef run through Slnky.
Platform: Mac OS X
There are two ways to use Chef Handlers.
Method 1
You can install the RubyGem ahead of time, and configure Chef to use them. To do so:
gem install chef-handler-slnky
Then add to the configuration (/etc/chef/solo.rb
for chef-solo or
for chef-client):
require "chef/handler/slnky"
report_handlers <<
exception_handlers <<
Method 2
Use the chef_handler cookbook by Opscode. Create a recipe with the following:
include_recipe 'chef_handler::default'
# Install the `chef-handler-slnky` RubyGem during the compile phase
# the server that it sends the message to is managed with:
# `node['slnky']['url']`
# set this in a recipe or attributes file to point the handler
# to the server
# if you set `node['slnky']['yaml']` to the location of a yaml file
# it will load the data and include it in the event in the `attributes` key
chef_gem "chef-handler-slnky" do
action :upgrade
# Then activate the handler with the `chef_handler` LWRP
chef_handler "Chef::Handler::SlnkyHandler" do
source "chef/handler/slnky"
action :enable
Things I would like to add:
- rspec tests - both Chef::Handler and GNTP#notify have specs, so this was low priority.