If you're managing EC2 instances with a Chef server, this gem can help prevent your server from becoming polluted with stale node/client data by automatically deleting it whenever instances are destroyed.
AWS Credentials and Permissions
This gem relies on aws-sdk, so AWS credentials will automatically be read from the usual places (credential files under ~/.aws
, environment variables, IAM roles, etc.).
Note that this gem requires the following permissions on the SQS queue:
- sqs:GetQueueAttributes
- sqs:ReceiveMessage
- sqs:DeleteMessage
Create an SQS queue for your EC2 termination events.
Create a CloudWatch event rule to send termination events to the SQS queue:
{ "source": [ "aws.ec2" ], "detail-type": [ "EC2 Instance State-change Notification" ], "detail": { "state": [ "terminated" ] } }
Configure knife on your Chef server.
on your Chef server:gem install chef_ec2_node_rm
Run the application in the foreground to make sure everything is working (run it with
to see a list of available options):chef_ec2_node_rm <options>
Using the command above, create an Upstart job on your Chef server (e.g.
) to keep the application running in the background:[Unit] Description=chef_ec2_node_rm [Service] Type=simple Environment=HOME=/root ExecStart=/path/to/chef_ec2_node_rm <options> Restart=always [Install]
Start the service:
systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart chef_ec2_node_rm
Getting Started
Running Tests
rake test
rake rubocop
Example SQS Message
"detail": {
"instance-id": "foo",
"state": "bar"
gem build chef_ec2_node_rm.gemspec
gem install chef_ec2_node_rm-*.gem
gem push chef_ec2_node_rm-*.gem
- Inspired by Matt Revell's script