Clandestine allows you to store passwords in a local file using AES-CBC-256 encryption.
Ruby v2.0+
Currently only supported on OSX
Clandestine can be installed using RubyGems:
$ gem install clandestine
user$ clandestine
Clandestine v0.1.0
Usage: clandestine [option] [key]
-a, --add <key> Add password for <key> (Passwords are randomly generated)
-g, --get [key] Get password for [key] (Returns all keys if key isn't given)
-d, --delete <key> Delete <key> and related password
-u, --update [key] Update password for [key] (Updates password for safe if key isn't given)
-l, --location Print location of safe (Default is ~/.cls if env variable CLANDESTINE_SAFE isn't set)
-r, --remove Remove safe completely
-v, --version Print version number
-h, --help Print these options
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