@markup markdown
@title ClassSource
Getting Started
ClassSource is distributed via rubygems.
gem install class_source
Inspecting the Source of a Class
First you'll want to extend your class with ClassSource
MyClass.send :extend, ClassSource
Now you can get the source of your class.
# => "class MyClass\n def method1\n puts "hambone"\n end\nend"
You may want to know where the source was defined. This data will be returned as an array of [file, line_number] pairs, much like the results of Ruby 1.9's UnboundMethod#source_location method.
# => [["lib/my_class.rb", 12], ["lib/monkey_path.rb", 14]]
And at times you may want source file data indexed by location.
# => {["lib/my_class.rb", 12] => "class MyClass\nend\n", ["lib/monkey_patch.rb", 14] => "class MyClass\n def method1\n puts "hambone"\n end\nend"}
ClassSource is an 80% solution which handles common cases. It is designed to be non-invasive and permit the inspection of a runtime constructed prior to the introduction of ClassSource. It doesn't override 'require' or 'load'. It is implemented in pure Ruby.
ClassSource is inspired by and in some cases supplemented by code originally used in MethodSource by John Mair (banisterfiend). Thank you.