Classy Resources¶ ↑
With a simple, declarative syntax, you can create active_resource compatible REST APIs incredibly quickly.
Think resource_controller, except for Sinatra.
Installation¶ ↑
sudo gem install giraffesoft-classy_resources
Usage¶ ↑
require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' require 'classy_resources' require 'classy_resources/active_record' # ... or require 'classy_resources/sequel' # more ORMs coming (it's also easy to implement your own)... define_resource :posts, :member => [:get, :put, :delete], :collection => [:get, :post], :formats => [:xml, :json, :yaml]
The above declaration will create the five actions specified, each responding to all of the formats listed.
- GET /resources.format # => index - POST /resources.format # => create - GET /resources/1.format # => show - PUT /resources/1.format # => update - DELETE /resources/1.format # => destroy
Since ClassyResources was designed to be active resource compatible, the params formats and return values are what AR expects.
Overrides¶ ↑
In the above example, :posts would map to a Post class. If your class is named differently, you just override class_for. For example, if your Post class was stored in a module:
def class_for(resource) MyModule.const_get(resource.to_s.singularize.classify.constantize) end
Or, if you wanted to change how objects were being serialized:
def serialize(object, format), format).to_s end
Other method signatures you might want to override:
- def load_collection(resource) - def build_object(resource, params) - def load_object(resource, id) - def update_object(object, params) # Note that this doesn't save. It just changes the attributes. - def destroy_object(object)
Copyright¶ ↑
Copyright © 2008 James Golick, Daniel Haran, GiraffeSoft Inc.. See LICENSE for details.