Module providing access to the CleverTap API
Add to your Gemfile
gem 'clever_tap', github: 'tradeo/clevertap-ruby'
Configure the client
Create an instance of CleverTap
Available in v0.2.0 but will be depricated as of v1.0.0
CLEVER_TAP = '<your account ID>', passcode: '<your passcode>')
You can add configuration settings as parameters like above and/or using a block.
CLEVER_TAP = do |config|
config.account_id = '<your account ID>' # mandatory
config.passcode = '<your passcode>' # mandatory
config.identity_field = 'ID' # default value "identity"
config.configure_faraday do |faraday_config| # optional
faraday_config.adapter :httpclient # default adapter "net_http"
As of v0.3.0 the new way of setting up CleverTap is:
CleverTap.setup do |config|
# Default ID could be reset later
# case by case when uploading Profile/Event
config.identity_field = 'ID'
config.account_id = 'the-account-id'
config.account_passcode = 'the-passcode'
Then creating a shared instance to use trough the app (v0.3.0 and above)
clevertap =
# You can add callbacks for successfull and failed calls as so:
clevertap.on_successful_upload do |response|
# log the response as response.to_s
# response is of type CleverTap::Response
# having methods `success` (true or false)
# and `failures` (empty if success == true)
# contains hash with errors returned from CleverTap endpoint
clevertap.on_failed_upload do |response|
Upload a profile
accepts as a first argument an object responding to #to_h
and #[]
profile = {
'identity' => '666',
'Name' => 'John Bravo'
client = '<your account ID>', passcode: '<your passcode>')
response = client.upload_profile(profile)
response.success # => true / false
response.status # => 'success' / 'partial' / 'fail'
response.errors # => [ { }, ...]
Date field used as a time stamp is optional.
If it's missing the current time stamp will be send instead.
The value should respond to .to_i
and return epoch time.
profile =
data: { 'ID' => 1, 'Name' => 'John Doe' }, # MANDATORY, expects to receive a hash containing the identity field specified in `CleverTap.setup`, or below
identity_field: 'field_name' | false, # optional
fbid: '34322423', # optional, facebook id, can replace original identity
gpid: '34322423', # optional, google plus id, can replace original identity
objectId: '0f5d5fff698245f1ac5f192c', # optional, uniq CleverTap identifier
timestamp_field: 'Created At', # optional, has to be present in the `data` hash, else it throws
custom_timestamp: 1468308340 # optional, custom time stamp if user needs to set a particular timestamp, not presented in the object, takes precedence
clever_tap.upload(profiles) # works as well with [CleverTap::Profile]
Upload an event
Available in v0.2.0 but will be depricated as of v1.0.0
accepts as a first argument an object responding to #to_h
and #[]
and a second parameter keyword argument name: <name>
event = {
'identity' => '666',
'Name' => 'Jonh Bravo',
'Cookie ID' => '424242'
client = '<your account ID>', passcode: '<your passcode>')
response = client.upload_event(event, name: 'registration')
response.success # => true / false
response.status # => 'success' / 'partial' / 'fail'
response.errors # => [ { }, ...]
As of v0.3.0 the new way of uploading Event(s) is:
event =
data: { 'ID' => 1, 'Field' => 'Value' } # MANDATORY, expects to receive a hash containing the identity field specified in `CleverTap.setup`, or below
name: 'Event Name', # MANDATORY
identity_field: 'field_name' | false, # optional, has to be present in the `data` hash, else it throws
fbid: '34322423', # optional, facebook id, can replace original identity
gpid: '34322423', # optional, google plus id, can replace original identity
objectId: '0f5d5fff698245f1ac5f192c', # optional, uniq CleverTap identifier, can replace identity
timestamp_field: 'Open Time', # optional, has to be present in the `data` hash, else it throws
custom_timestamp: 1468308340, # optional, custom time stamp if user needs to set a particular timestamp, not presented in the object
clevertap.upload(events) # Works as well with [CleverTap::Event]
Send requests as Dry Run
Passing parameter dry_run: true
to upload methods you can test the data submitted for a validation errors.
The record won't be persisted.
Available in v0.2.0 but will be depricated as of v1.0.0
client = '<your account ID>', passcode: '<your passcode>')
client.upload_profile(profile, dry_run: true)
As of v0.3.0 the new way of using a Dry Run is :
clevertap.upload(event, dry_run: true)
Handle the response
The CleverTap response object has the following interface:
- "success" / "partial" / "fail" -
when is the status is "success" andfalse
otherwise -
- it's actuallyunprocessed
synonym returned when the request is successful(code 200), but will contains the failed records even when the code is different than 200. -
- codes from 200-500. When it's 200, errors can contains a validation error codes. When it's -1 the error is custom and more info can be found in the message. More info about the codes can find CleverTap Docs