ClickSend is a ruby gem that provides a clicksend class to check credit and send SMS text messages to single or multiple recipients.
To install using Bundler grab the latest stable version:
gem 'clicksend', '~> 0.0.3'
As a Gem from gemcutter
% gem install clicksend
You will require an account with for the username and secret key - They offer a free trial so you can try before buying.
Getting Started With REST
Setup Work
require 'rubygems' # not necessary with ruby 1.9 but included for completeness
require 'clicksend'
# put your own credentials here
username = 'ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' # Your ClickSend username.
api_key = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' # Your Secure Unique API key.
# set up a client to talk to the ClickSend REST API
@client = => username, :api_key => api_key)
# secure socket layer is enable
# set false to disable secure socket layer
@client = => username, :api_key => api_key, :use_ssl => false)
Send an SMS
Send SMS message from given number.
@client.messages.send(:to => '+919999999999', :message => 'hello world')
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
to | Yes | String | Recipient Mobile Number in international format (with leading + and country code). Separate multiple recipients with a comma (,) where applicable. Maximum 1000 recipients. For example: +614XXXXXXXX (Australia) +1XXXXXXXXXX (US) +65XXXXXXXXX (Singapore) +44XXXXXXXXXX (UK) |
message | Yes | String | The message to be sent. Maximum 960 characters. |
senderid | No | String | custom sender ID: -Alphanumeric e.g. "MyCompany". 11 characters max. No spaces. The recipient will not be able to reply to the message. -Numeric e.g. +61411111111. You can enter your own mobile number in international format to make messages appear to come from your mobile number. Replies will be sent directly to your mobile. -Leave blank for two-way SMS. Replies will be directed back to the original sender. |
schedule | No | String | Allows you to schedule message delivery. Must be in unix format. For example: 1348742950. Leave blank for instant delivery. |
customstring | No | String | A custom string that will be passed back with replies and delivery reports. Maximum 50 characters. |
return | No | String | Redirect to a URL after delivering the message(s). |
messagetype | No | String | For non-English characters use messagetype=Unicode. Leave blank for a standard English message. |
# replies will be sent directly to given senderid
@client.messages.send(:to => '+919999999999', :message => 'hello world', :senderid => '+918888888888')
# Deliver message 5 minutes from now
@client.messages.send(:to => '+919999999999', :message => 'hello world', :schedule => + 300)
Poll ClickSend API for replies to messages. Make sure 'Poll our server' settings is selected under 'SMS Reply Report Settings' before using this.
Delivery Reports
Direct method to get delivery reports for sent messages using ClickSend API.
Account Balance
Direct method to get account balance using ClickSend API.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
country | No | String | A 2-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code). e.g. "AU" = Australia. If provided, the response will show the account balance and the number of SMS messages you can send to the country specified (credit). If the country isn't provided, the response will only show the account balance. |
# This will show the account balance and the number of SMS messages you can send to the country specified
Copyright (c) 2014 - MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for further details.