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To deliver a more Rubyesque experience when using the cloudpt API.


 Project Readme

Cloudpt::API - Cloudpt Ruby API client

A Ruby client for the Cloudpt REST API.


To deliver a more Rubyesque experience when using the Cloudpt API.

Current state:

First release, whole API covered.

Step 1: Installation

Cloudpt::API is available on RubyGems, so:

gem install cloudpt-api

Or in your Gemfile:

gem "cloudpt-api"

Step 2: Configuration

In order to use this client, you need to have an app created on https://www.Cloudpt.com/developers/apps.

Once you have it, put this configuration somewhere in your code, before you start working with the client.

Cloudpt::API::Config.app_key    = YOUR_APP_TOKEN
Cloudpt::API::Config.app_secret = YOUR_APP_SECRET
Cloudpt::API::Config.mode       = "sandbox" # if you have a single-directory app or "Cloudpt" if it has access to the whole Cloudpt

Step 3a: Authorization

The client is the base for all communication with the API and wraps around almost all calls available in the API.

In order to create a Cloudpt::API::Client object, you need to have the configuration set up for OAuth. Second thing you need is to have the user authorize your app using OAuth. Here's a short intro on how to do this:

consumer = Cloudpt::API::OAuth.consumer(:authorize)
request_token = consumer.get_request_token
# if you have a callback url
authorize_url = request_token.authorize_url(:oauth_callback => 'http://yoursite.com/callback')
# if you're running an "out of band app"
authorize_url = request_token.authorize_url
# Here the user goes to Cloudpt (following the authorize_url), authorizes the app and is redirected to oauth_callback, or is shown a pin (oauth_verifier).
# on the redirect case, the oauth_token (to be used as oauth_verifier on the next line) will be available in the params.
access_token = request_token.get_access_token(:oauth_verifier => oauth_token)

Now that you have the oauth token (access_token.token) and secret (access_token.secret), you can create a new instance of the Cloudpt::API::Client, like this:

client = Cloudpt::API::Client.new :token => access_token.token, :secret => access_token.secret

Note: this token and secret are the ones you'll want to use if you're trying to run the Rspec tests (step 4).

Step 3b: Rake-based authorization

Cloudpt::API supplies you with a helper rake which will authorize a single client. This is useful for development and testing.

In order to have this rake available, put this on your Rakefile:

require "cloudpt-api/tasks"

You will notice that you have a new rake task - Cloudpt:authorize

When you call this Rake task, it will ask you to provide the consumer key and secret. Afterwards it will present you with an authorize url on Cloudpt.

Simply go to that url, authorize the app, then press enter in the console.

The rake task will output valid ruby code which you can use to create a client.

Step 4 (optional): Testing

This assumes you've cloned cloudpt-api repository and you're trying to run the Rspec tests.

In order to run tests, you need to have an application created and authorized (check step 2 and 3). Put all tokens in spec/connection.yml and you're good to go.

Check out spec/connection.sample.yml for an example.

Just run rspec from the project root.

$ rspec

Step 5: Usage

First you put the app token and secret in a config or initializer file:

Cloudpt::API::Config.app_key    = APP_TOKEN
Cloudpt::API::Config.app_secret = APP_SECRET

And when you want to use it, just create a new client object with a specific access token and secret:

# The app token and secret are read from config, that's all you need to have a client ready for one user
@client = Cloudpt::API::Client.new(:token  => ACCESS_TOKEN, :secret => ACCESS_SECRET)
# The file is a Cloudpt::API::File object, so you can call methods on it!
@client.search('test.txt').each do |file|
  file.copy(file.path + ".old2")

Cloudpt::API::Client methods

In case of any doubt, check out the specs under the /spec folder. Moste of the times the issue will be related to the missing of a leading slash or a missing paramater.


Returns a simple object with information about the account:

client.account # => #<Cloudpt::API::Object>

For more info, see https://cloudpt.pt/documentation#accountinfo


When provided a path, returns a single file or directory

client.find 'file.txt' # => #<Cloudpt::API::File>


When provided a path, returns a list of files or directories within that path

By default it's the root path:

client.ls # => [#<Cloudpt::API::File>, #<Cloudpt::API::Dir>]

But you can provide your own path:

client.ls 'somedir' # => [#<Cloudpt::API::File>, #<Cloudpt::API::Dir>]


Creates a new directory and returns a Cloudpt::API::Dir object

client.mkdir 'new_dir' # => #<Cloudpt::API::Dir>


Stores a file with a provided body under a provided name and returns a Cloudpt::API::File object

client.upload 'file.txt', 'file body' # => #<Cloudpt::API::File>


Downloads a file with a provided name and returns it's content

client.download 'file.txt' # => 'file body'


When provided a pattern, returns a list of files or directories within that path

By default it searches the root path:

client.search 'pattern' # => [#<Cloudpt::API::File>, #<Cloudpt::API::Dir>]

However, you can specify your own path:

client.search 'pattern', :path => 'somedir' # => [#<Cloudpt::API::File>, #<Cloudpt::API::Dir>]


Returns a cursor and a list of files that have changed since the cursor was generated.

delta = client.delta 'abc123'
delta.cursor # => 'def456'
delta.entries # => [#<Cloudpt::API::File>, #<Cloudpt::API::Dir>]

When called without a cursor, it returns all the files.

delta = client.delta 'abc123'
delta.cursor # => 'abc123'
delta.entries # => [#<Cloudpt::API::File>, #<Cloudpt::API::Dir>]

Cloudpt::API::File and Cloudpt::API::Dir methods

These methods are shared by Cloudpt::API::File and Cloudpt::API::Dir

Cloudpt::API::File#copy | Cloudpt::API::Dir#copy

Copies a file/directory to a new specified filename

file.copy 'newfilename.txt' # => #<Cloudpt::API::File>

Cloudpt::API::File#move | Cloudpt::API::Dir#move

Moves a file/directory to a new specified filename

file.move 'newfilename.txt' # => #<Cloudpt::API::File>

Cloudpt::API::File#destroy | Cloudpt::API::Dir#destroy

Deletes a file/directory

file.destroy 'newfilename.txt' # => #<Cloudpt::API::File>

Cloudpt::API::File methods


Returns an Array of Cloudpt::API::File objects with appropriate rev attribute

For more info, see https://www.Cloudpt.com/developers/reference/api#revisions


Restores a file to a specific revision

For more info, see https://www.Cloudpt.com/developers/reference/api#restore


Returns the link to a file page in Cloudpt

For more info, see https://www.Cloudpt.com/developers/reference/api#shares


Returns the link to a file in Cloudpt

For more info, see https://www.Cloudpt.com/developers/reference/api#media


Returns the thumbnail for an image

For more info, see https://www.Cloudpt.com/developers/reference/api#thumbnail


Downloads a file and returns it's content

file.download # => 'file body'

Cloudpt::API::Dir methods


Returns a list of files or directorys within that directory

dir.ls # => [#<Cloudpt::API::File>, #<Cloudpt::API::Dir>]


Copyright (c) 2011 Marcin Bunsch, Future Simple Inc. See LICENSE for details. Copyright (c) 2013 Fábio Batista, Webreakstuff.