Cmtool is a CMS to give you a quickstart for a website using CouchDB as database backend. It is in developing stage, but already used in production. It is designed as an engine. The thought behind is that you will have to create your own rails website, but get a lot of stuff for free. These things are:
- User management
- Page management
- Faq
- News
- Newsletter subscriptions
- Directory manager
- Image manager
To start using Cmtool as website CMS add it to your Gemfile. Since it depends on github gems and gem dependencies do not support those you have to explicitly add two dependencies to your Gemfile: gem 'couch_potato' , github: 'bterkuile/couch_potato' gem 'simply_stored' , github: 'bterkuile/simply_stored' gem 'cmtool'
Make sure that the locales you want to work with are specified in
config.i18n.default_locale = :en
config.i18n.available_locales = [:en, :nl]
This will add some gems you might like anyway, here a list:
- bourbon
- jquery-rails
- tinymce-rails
- sass-rails
- paperclip
- email_validator (validates :email, email: true)
in app/controllers/pages_controller.rb
class PagesController < ApplicationController
include Cmtool::Includes::PagesController
Cmtool is looking for an authorize_cmtool method present in the application controller. Something like:
class ApplicationController
def authorize_cmtool
redirect_to main_app.root_path, alert: t('general.unauthorized') unless current_user.present? && current_user.is_admin?
Add the following routes with changes according to your application:
ALLOWED_LOCALES = /nl|de|fr|en|es/
devise_for :users, :controllers => {:sessions => 'cmtool/sessions', :passwords => 'cmtool/passwords'}
mount Cmtool::Engine => '/cmtool'
get '/:locale' => 'pages#home', constraints: {locale: ALLOWED_LOCALES}, as: :go_to_locale
get '/sitemap(.:format)' => 'pages#sitemap'
scope '(/:locale)', constraints: {locale: ALLOWED_LOCALES}, defaults: { locale: :nl } do
root to: 'pages#home'
get "/:name" => "pages#show", constraints: {name: /.*/}, as: :page
get "/*url" => "pages#not_found"
User model
The user model is important. We recommend you to create your own user model:
class User
include Cmtool::User
This is enough to start using Cmtool. But probably you want to add some goodies of your own. Remember that this is a SimplyStored model with almost all the ActiveModel features.
Page model
The page model allows you to control some interesting things.
in app/models/page.rb
class Page
include Cmtool::Includes::Page
# Define the layouts you want to use in your website. Be sure to create them in
# app/views/layouts/...
# The first specified layout will become the default
def self.layouts
%w[application home contact]
Controlling the language of the system
If you add a method cmtool_locale
to your application controller Cmtool will
take this value:
class ApplicationController
before_action :set_locale
def set_locale
# Do some magic
I18n.locale = :en
def cmtool_locale
Customize a page
All pages by default are rendered using the view: app/pages/show. So adding
and changing this file will change all displayed pages without their own
specific page. To create a specific page, create a page with the name of the
page you created in the Admin section. If for example you have created a page
with the name: about Then you can give this page a custom look using the view:
The menu and getting pages
Customize your 404
You can customize what is shown when a page cannot be found. There is a standard view app/pages/404.html.erb with the following content:
<%= render template: 'pages/show' %>
Overwrite this to get another page as show. To controll the content of the 404 page, create a page in the Admin area having the name: 404. You can make a 404 page for every language in this manner. Here you can also give a custom layout if you do not want to use the default layout.