Coach4rb is a quick and dirty client solution for the Cyber Coach Webservice @unifr.ch.
For more details see.
- This client mainly focuses on verbs (create/delete/update etc.) and tries to avoid the bad nouns.
- Another principle is that each returned object can be used again as input for another request and that all resources are retrievable / updatable / deletable by their corresponding cyber coach uri.
- A retrieved coach user object can be reused for retrieving its subscriptions etc.
- A coach client can be encapsulated behind a proxy object to provide access on protected resources in the scope of a user.
##Some examples Example: Creating a coach client
@coach = Coach4rb.configure(
scheme: 'http',
host: 'diufvm31.unifr.ch',
port: 8090,
path: '/CyberCoachServer/resources'
Example: Retrieving a user
@coach_user = @coach.user_by_uri '/CyberCoachServer/resources/users/arueedlinger' # get a user by its uri
@coach_user = @coach.user 'arueedlinger' # get a user
Example: Encapsulating a coach client behind a proxy
@proxy = Coach4rb::Proxy::Access.new 'arueedlinger', 'muha', @coach #@coach is our coach client
@proxy.users # get five users
@proxy.users query: { start: 0, size: 10 } #get ten users
Example: Updating a user
@uri = '/CyberCoachServer/resources/users/arueedlinger'
@proxy.update_user(@uri) do |user|
user.real_name = 'Alex Rueedlinger'
@user = @coach.user 'arueedlinger' # get a user
@proxy.update_user(@user) do |user|
user.real_name = 'Alex Rueedlinger'
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'coach4rb'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install coach4rb
For testing the examples on this page open a terminal and run the ruby shell:
Now, require the gem 'coach4rb'
require 'coach4rb'
For a better understanding how the client works see the code examples in the file: lib/coach4rb/coach.rb
and have a look at the tests with prefix test_coach_X
Coach4rb can be easily configured as the following example shows:
@coach = Coach4rb.configure(
scheme: 'http',
host: 'diufvm31.unifr.ch',
port: 8090,
path: '/CyberCoachServer/resources'
By setting the debug option to false all coach4rb exceptions are catched. By setting the debug option to true all exceptions are 'ducked' to the caller.
@coach = Coach4rb.configure(
scheme: 'http',
host: 'diufvm31.unifr.ch',
port: 8090,
path: '/CyberCoachServer/resources',
debug: true
To be sure that Coach4rb is correctly configured the method available?
can be executed for testing purposes.
@coach.available? # => true | false
###Resources There are five different resources:
####User #####Authenticating a user
A user can be authenticated by the authenticate
method. It returns on success a user object otherwise it returns
@coach_user = @coach.authenticate('arueedlinger','muha')
if @coach_user
puts @coach_user.username #=> 'arueedliger'
raise 'Error'
#####Username availability
Use the method username_available?
to check if a username is available:
@coach.username_available? 'arueedlinger'
#####Retrieving a user / users
A user can be retrieved by means of the user
users = @coach.user 'mojo'
A list of users can be obtained using the users
users = @coach.users # get five users
For retrieving users in different ranges we can use the query option:
users = @coach.users query: {start: 0, size: 10}
users.available # available users
users.size #10
users.end # 10
users.start # 0
next_users = @coach.users query: {start: 10, size: 10 }
#####Creating a user
A user can be created by means of the create_user
instance method.
@coach_user = @coach.create_user do |user|
user.real_name = 'thehoff'
user.username = 'therealhoff'
user.public_visible = Coach4rb::Privacy::Public
user.email = 'thehoff@ishereat.ch
If the request was successful it returns a Coach user object. Per default the property public_visible is always set to
. Other options are:
- Coach4rb::Privacy::Private
- Coach4rb::Privacy::Member
####Updating a user In order to update an existing user we need an access proxy. Such an access proxy encapsulates a coach client and provides access to resources in the scope of a given user. In other words the access proxy contains the necessary user credentials that are needed to modify protected resources.
Such an access proxy object can be created as follows:
#@coach is our coach client, see configuration.
@proxy = Coach4rb::Proxy::Access.new @coach.username, 'secret', @coach
Updating a user can be done as follows. First we get a user, create a proxy object and pass to the proxy object our coach client. After that we call the update_user method on the proxy object.
@coach_user = @coach.user 'arueedlimger'
@proxy = Coach4rb::Proxy::Access.new @coach.username, 'secret', @coach
@proxy.update_user(@coach_user) do |user|
user.email = 'muhaa@test.com'
user.real_name = 'muhaha'
Another way to update a user is to pass a a cyber coach uri to the update_user method:
@uri = '/CyberCoachServer/resources/users/arueedlinger'
@proxy = Coach4rb::Proxy::Access.new 'arueedlinger', 'secret', @coach
@proxy.update_user(@uri) do |user|
user.email = 'muhaa@test.com'
user.real_name = 'muhaha'
####Deleting a user In the same way a user can be deleted.
A list of subscriptions are given in the property subscriptions
of coach user object.
@user = @coach.user 'arueedlinger'
subscriptions = @user.subscriptions
subscriptions.each do |s|
@coach.subscription(s) # get details of a subscription
###Subscriptions ####Retrieving a subscription If we have a user object or a partnership object we can retrieve all subscriptions as follows:
@user = @coach.user 'arueedlinger'
subscriptions = @user.subscriptions
subscriptions.each do |s|
@coach.subscription(s) # get details of a subscription
####Subscribe User can subscribe to sport categories. For that we can use the subscribe method.
####Unsubscribe A subscription can be removed using the unsubscribe method:
###Partnerships Of course people like to be friends with each other. This is also the case in the cyber coach world.
####Retrieving partnerships If we have a user object we can retrieve all partnerships as follows:
@user = @coach.user 'arueedlinger', query: { start: 0, size: 10}
partnerships = @user.partnerships
partnerships.each do |p|
@coach.partnership() # get details of a partnership
####Creating a partnership Assume we have two persons Q and P.
@p = @coach.username 'p'
@q = @coach.username 'q'
@proxy_for_p = Coach4rb::Proxy::Access.new @p.username, 'secret', @coach
@proxy_for_p.create_partnership(@p,@q) # public per default
@proxy_for_p.create_partnership(@p,@q) do |p|
p.public_visible = Coach4rb::Privacy::Private
####Deleting a partnership So if you like to end the partnership between q and p just use the breakup_between method. It sounds bad but the operation is quickly executed:
But if you prefer to remove the partnership directly you can use the delete_partnership
a_partnership = @coach_user.partnerships.first
###Entries ####Retrieving entries If we have a user object or a partnership object we can retrieve a subset of all entries as follows:
@user = @coach.user 'arueedlinger'
subscriptions = @user.subscriptions
subscriptions.each do |s|
subscription = @coach.subscription s, query: {start: 0, size: 10 } # get details of a subscription
subscription.entries do |e|
entry = @coach.entry(e) # get details of an entry
####Creating an entry for a user
Entries are created by means of the create_entry
@proxy.create_entry(@user, :running) do |entry|
entry.comment = 'test'
entry.number_of_rounds = 10
entry.public_visible = Coach4rb::Privacy::Public
Depending on the entry different properties can be set. The next chapters provide an overview of all available properties tha can be set (set) and retrived (get).
####Creating an entry for a partnership
@partnership = @coach.partnership('arueedlinger','moritz')
@proxy.create_entry(@partnership, :running) do |entry|
entry.comment = 'test'
entry.number_of_rounds = 10
entry.public_visible = Coach4rb::Privacy::Public
###Updating an entry Updating entry for a user or partnerships works excatly the same. You need to provide the create_entry method a valid resource object like a user or a partnership object.
@user = @coach.user_by_uri '/CyberCoachServer/resources/users/wantsomemoney/'
@entry = @coach.entry_by_uri '/CyberCoachServer/resources/users/wantsomemoney/Running/1138/'
@proxy = Coach4rb::Proxy::Access.new @user.username, 'secret', @coach
@proxy.update_entry(@entry) do |entry|
entry.comment = 'test'
entry.number_of_rounds = 10
entry.public_visible = Coach4rb::Privacy::Public
#####Running Properties:
- id [get]
- created [get]
- modified [get]
- entry_location [set/get]
- entry_date [set/get]
- entry_duration [set/get]
- comment [set/get]
- public_visible [set/get]
- course_type [set/get]
- course_length [set/get]
- number_of_rounds [set/get]
- track [set/get]
#####Cycling Properties:
- id [get]
- created [get]
- modified [get]
- entry_location [set/get]
- entry_date [set/get]
- entry_duration [set/get]
- comment [set/get]
- public_visible [set/get]
- course_type [set/get]
- course_length [set/get]
- number_of_rounds [set/get]
- bicycle_type [set/get]
- track [set/get]
#####Boxing Properties:
- id [get]
- created [get]
- modified [get]
- entry_location [set/get]
- entry_date [set/get]
- entry_duration [set/get]
- comment [set/get]
- public_visible [set/get]
- round_duration [set/get]
- number_of_rounds [set/get]
#####Soccer Properties:
- id [get]
- created [get]
- modified [get]
- entry_location [set/get]
- entry_date [set/get]
- entry_duration [set/get]
- comment [set/get]
- public_visible [set/get]
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git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
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