Introducing the Code-snippets gem
require 'code-snippets'
h = {
filepath: '/home/james/snippets',
default_user: 'jrobertson',
xsl: {
outer: '',
page: '',
entry: '',
rss: ''
snippets ={config: h})
# return the front page
pg = '1'
# return the front page for tag 'json'
tag_pg = snippets.tag('json', '1')
# return the front page for user 'jrobertson'
user_pg = snippets.user('jrobertson', '1')
# return the front page for user 'jrobertson' with tag 'json'
user_tag_pg = snippets.user('jrobertson', 'json','1')
# return the rss feed for the front page
rss_pg = snippets.rss</pre>
installation sudo gem install code-snippets
This gem renders the HTML, and RSS for a dynarex-usersblog system, and it also powers