CoffeeScript Router
A standalone router written in CoffeeScript that anyone can use in their web apps. It uses Ruby on Rails like human readable routes with named parameters instead of ugly regular expresssions.
Install from source
From project root:
cake build:all
Include the resulting minified javascript file in your webpage
<script src="coffeescript-router.min.js"></script>
Install from gem
Add the gem to your bundle
gem 'coffeescript-router'
Add the javascript file to application.js
//= require coffeescript-router
Add the setup for your routes somewhere in your code that will executed before the DOM is ready. Make sure to order the routes from most to least specific.
Router.add "/blog/:year/:month/:day", (params) ->
# code for the route goes here
Router.add "/blog", (params) ->
# code for the route goes here
Then execute the processor when the DOM is ready
$(document).on "ready", ->
More Info
The original blog post about this project can be found here: