No commit activity in last 3 years
No release in over 3 years
This is my first gem and the idea was to develop a super simple and lightweight client to connect with Coingecko API. Keep in mind that this is by no means an oficial gem from Coingecko, it is a MIT license pet project! Use at your own discretion! I published it originally with the methods that I needed for another project, but I'll keep on adding more methods to interact with the rest of the API. Any comments, sugestions, Pull Requests, feel free to contact me.


~> 0.75.0
~> 2.3
 Project Readme


This is my first gem and the idea was to develop a super simple and lightweight client to connect with Coingecko API. Keep in mind that this is by no means the oficial gem from Coingecko, it is a pet project that I have interest in keeping it working! I published it with the methods that I need for another project, but I'll keep on adding more methods to interact with the rest of the API. Any comments, sugestions, Pull Requests, feel free to contact me.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'coingecko_client'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install coingecko_client


The available methods are:

  • Check if API is up:
2.7.0 :026 >
 => {"gecko_says"=>"(V3) To the Moon!"}
  • List coins

List all supported coins id, name and symbol (no pagination required)

2.7.0 :027 > list=CoingeckoClient::Client.coins_list
2.7.0 :028 > list.count
 => 7631
2.7.0 :029 > list.first
 => {"id"=>"01coin", "symbol"=>"zoc", "name"=>"01coin"}
  • Supported_vs_currencies

Get list of supported_vs_currencies.

2.7.0 :002 > list = CoingeckoClient::Client.supported_vs_currencies
2.7.0 :003 > list.count
 => 55
2.7.0 :004 > list.first
 => "btc"
  • Current price
    Get the current price of any cryptocurrencies in any other supported currencies that you need.

For example:

2.7.0 :016 > CoingeckoClient::Client.price('bitcoin','usd')
 => 9246.4
  • Historical market data To get the historical market data(price, market cap and trade volume) of a given coin, you would use:
    Coingecko's note about this API call: Minutely data will be used for duration within 1 day, Hourly data will be used for duration between 1 day and 90 days, Daily data will be used for duration above 90 days.

For example:

 => {"prices"=>[[1593511281310, 9161.947854845832], ..., [1594113061000, 9247.986673179646]], market_caps"=>[[1593511281310, 168752424140.90503], ..., [...,...]], , "total_volumes"=>[[...]]}
  • Market data from coins:
    Use this to obtain all the coins market data (price, market cap, volume)
2.7.0 :019 > CoingeckoClient::Client.coins_market(currency: 'usd',ids_list:['maker'], price_change_percentage:'7d' )
=> [{"id"=>"maker", "symbol"=>"mkr", "name"=>"Maker", "image"=>"", "current_price"=>465.65, "market_cap"=>419598650, "market_cap_rank"=>30, "total_volume"=>11790566, "high_24h"=>487.76, "low_24h"=>464.65, "price_change_24h"=>-3.61639711, "price_change_percentage_24h"=>-0.77064, "market_cap_change_24h"=>-3408068.16243178, "market_cap_change_percentage_24h"=>-0.80568, "circulating_supply"=>902019.8121058022, "total_supply"=>1005576.0, "ath"=>1798.7, "ath_change_percentage"=>-74.14012, "ath_date"=>"2018-01-20T00:00:00.000Z", "atl"=>168.36, "atl_change_percentage"=>176.28269, "atl_date"=>"2020-03-16T20:52:36.527Z", "roi"=>nil, "last_updated"=>"2020-07-07T09:33:19.687Z", "price_change_percentage_7d_in_currency"=>2.802621306390991}]
  • List exchanges
    List all exchanges
    Default value:: 100
2.7.0 :030 > list=CoingeckoClient::Client.list_exchanges
2.7.0 :031 > list.count
 => 100
2.7.0 :032 > list.first
 => {"id"=>"binance", "name"=>"Binance", "year_established"=>2017, "country"=>"Cayman Islands", "description"=>"", "url"=>"", "image"
=>"", "has_trading_incentive"=>false, "trust_score"=>10, "trust_score_rank"=>1, "t
rade_volume_24h_btc"=>202207.8584274921, "trade_volume_24h_btc_normalized"=>202207.8584274921}
  • Trending coins
    List the Top 7 trending coins
2.7.0 :005> CoingeckoClient::Client.coins_trending
=> {"coins"=>[{"item"=>{"id"=>"matic-network", "coin_id"=>4713, "name"=>"Polygon", "symbol"=>"MATIC", "market_cap_rank"=>22, "thumb"=>"", "small"=>"", "large"=>"", "slug"=>"polygon", "price_btc"=>2.8814566254115035e-05, "score"=>0}}
  • Global data
    Get global data on cryptocurrencies such as total market cap, trading volume and available markets
2.7.0 :006>
=> {"data"=>{"active_cryptocurrencies"=>7228, "upcoming_icos"=>0, "ongoing_icos"=>50, "ended_icos"=>3375, "markets"=>614, "total_market_cap"=>{"btc"=>47150877.60201247, "eth"=>590487432.9774164, "ltc"=>7267533831.311713, "bch"=>1813437832.9322438, "bnb"=>3952875587.545117, "eos"=>212410692785.36523, "xrp"=>1711624698868.2542, "xlm"=>3552898157262.8335}}
  • Global Decentralized Finance(DeFi) data
    Get global data on DeFi such as market cap and trading volume
2.7.0 :007> CoingeckoClient::Client.global_defi
=> {"data"=>{"defi_market_cap"=>"137457435788.2066091800193351248", "eth_market_cap"=>"471137550162.7690872337739426092", "defi_to_eth_ratio"=>"29.1756485427064075772610878798993912180217281909005711205424453", "trading_volume_24h"=>"17340967982.36497960812229859576", "defi_dominance"=>"5.7334520883902335884692023116692586282802032110498494559675484", "top_coin_name"=>"Uniswap", "top_coin_defi_dominance"=>14.895455912137919}}
  • BTC exchange rates
    Get BTC exchange rate value against various currencies including FIAT, gold/silver and other coins
irb(main):009:0> CoingeckoClient::Client.btc_to_currency
=> {"rates"=>{"btc"=>{"name"=>"Bitcoin", "unit"=>"BTC", "value"=>1.0, "type"=>"crypto"}, "eth"=>{"name"=>"Ether", "unit"=>"ETH", "value"=>12.405, "type"=>"crypto"}, "ltc"=>{"name"=>"Litecoin", "unit"=>"LTC", "value"=>152.56, "type"=>"crypto"}, "bch"=>{"name"=>"Bitcoin Cash", "unit"=>"BCH", "value"=>37.964, "type"=>"crypto"}, "bnb"=>{"name"=>"Binance Coin", "unit"=>"BNB", "value"=>83.884, "type"=>"crypto"}, "eos"=>{"name"=>"EOS", "unit"=>"EOS", "value"=>4481.84, "type"=>"crypto"}, "xrp"=>{"name"=>"XRP", "unit"=>"XRP", "value"=>36155.406, "type"=>"crypto"}
  • Status Updates
    List status updates from exchanges and coins, such as software releases and policy changes
    Pass project_type 'coin' or 'market' to filter, if project_type is left empty, updates from both coins and markets will be returned
2.7.0 :012> CoingeckoClient::Client.status_updates(category: 'software_release', project_type: 'coin')
=> {"status_updates"=>[{"description"=>"The DigiByte team is pleased to release DigiByte v7.17.3! This release resolves the underlying Unit Tests and provides a solid foundation for the upcoming version 8 release. No fork / consensus cha
nges here. Upgrading 100% optional.\r\n\r\n", "category"=>"software_release", "created_at"=>"2021-05-13T05:48:18.366Z", "user"=>"Murat Akyurt", "user_title"=>"DGBAT Outreach O
fficer", "pin"=>false, "project"=>{"type"=>"Coin", "id"=>"digibyte", "name"=>"DigiByte", "symbol"=>"dgb", "image"=>{"thumb"=>"", "small"=>"https://assets.coingecko
.com/coins/images/63/small/digibyte.png?1547033717", "large"=>""}}}


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the CoingeckoClient project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.