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Generate Colissimo label for all countries with customs declaration (Colissimo webservice account required).


~> 12
~> 3
>= 0.16


 Project Readme


Generate Colissimo label for all countries with customs declaration 🔥

To use this gem, you need to have an WebService account in Colissimo. Ask for it when you set up a new contract with Colissimo.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'colissimo_label'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install colissimo_label
require 'colissimo_label'


Colissimo contract number (dedicated for webservices) (required):

ColissimoLabel.contract_number = ENV['COLISSIMO_CONTRACT_NUMBER']

Colissimo password (dedicated for webservices) (required):

ColissimoLabel.contract_password = ENV['COLISSIMO_PASSWORD']

I you want to save generated files on AWS S3, initialize the bucket:

ColissimoLabel.s3_bucket = Aws::S3::Resource.new.bucket('my_bucket_name')

Define the directory to save files (required if s3_bucket used):

ColissimoLabel.s3_path = 'path/to/colissimo'

Declare local path to save generated files (required if no use of S3):

ColissimoLabel.colissimo_local_path = Rails.root.join('public', 'colissimo')


Fetch relay points

Colissimo webservices provides all relay points around an address.

To get all available relay :

 relay_points = ColissimoLabel::FindRelayPoint.new(
           address:      'Address',
           city:         'City',
           postcode:     'Postcode',
           country_code: 'Normalized country code (ex: FR)'
         (Date.today + 5.days).strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), # Estimated departure date of the package
         1000 # Computed weight of the package (in grams)

It will return an array of relay points with the following data:

        business_hours: {

Generate Colissimo label

To generate a new Colissimo label, use the following methods.

For a national address:

parcel_number = ColissimoLabel::GenerateLabel.new(
        'label_filename', # Name of the file generated
        'FR', # Normalized country code of the destination
        9.99, # Amount of the shipping fees (paid by the customer)
          company_name: 'Sender company name',
          address:      'Address',
          city:         'City',
          postcode:     'Postcode',
          country_code: 'Normalized country code (ex: FR)'
          last_name:    'Last name of the addressee',
          first_name:   'First name of the addressee',
          address_bis:  'Address bis of the addressee',
          address:      'Address of the addressee',
          city:         'City of the addressee',
          postcode:     'Postcode of the addressee',
          country_code: 'Normalized country code of the addressee',
          phone:        'Phone number of the addressee',
          mobile:       'Mobile number of the addressee',
          email:        'Email of the addressee'

You can add the following option to require the signature:

with_signature: true

To provide the insurance value (by default, it depends of the weight of the package), add this parameter:

insurance_value: 100

For a national address and delivered to a relay point:

parcel_number = ColissimoLabel::GenerateLabel.new(
        'label_filename', # Name of the file generated
        'FR', # Normalized country code of the destination
        9.99, # Amount of the shipping fees (paid by the customer)
          company_name: 'Sender company name',
          address:      'Address',
          city:         'City',
          postcode:     'Postcode',
          country_code: 'Normalized country code (ex: FR)'
          last_name:    'Last name of the addressee',
          first_name:   'First name of the addressee',
          address_bis:  'Address bis of the addressee',
          address:      'Address of the addressee',
          city:         'City of the addressee',
          postcode:     'Postcode of the addressee',
          country_code: 'Normalized country code of the addressee',
          phone:        'Phone number of the addressee',
          mobile:       'Mobile number of the addressee',
          email:        'Email of the addressee'
        pickup_id:      'pickup ID',
        pickup_type:    'BPR or A2P'

For a foreign address (which required customs declaration):

parcel_number = ColissimoLabel::GenerateLabel.new(
        'label_filename', # Name of the file generated
        'CH', # Normalized country code of the destination
        9.99, # Amount of the shipping fees (paid by the customer)
          company_name: 'Sender company name',
          address:      'Address',
          city:         'City',
          postcode:     'Postcode',
          country_code: 'Normalized country code (ex: DE)'
          last_name:    'Last name of the addressee',
          first_name:   'First name of the addressee',
          address_bis:  'Address bis of the addressee',
          address:      'Address of the addressee',
          city:         'City of the addressee',
          postcode:     'Postcode of the addressee',
          country_code: 'Normalized country code of the addressee',
          phone:        'Phone number of the addressee',
          mobile:       'Mobile number of the addressee',
          email:        'Email of the addressee'
        customs_total_weight: 2, # Total weight of the package, required for customs
        customs_category: 3, # Type of business (commercial by default)
        customs_data: [ # Details content of your package
            description:   'Product description',
            quantity:      1,
            weight:        2,
            item_price:    100,
            country_code:  'FR',
            currency_code: 'EUR',
            customs_code:  'hsCode' # Harmonized system code of your product, it's a number or a string (starting with '0')

In both cases, if the label cannot be generated it raises a StandardError with the reason. Otherwise, the parcel number is returned and files saved in the specified folders.


Colissimo documentation can be found here:



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/floXcoder/colissimo_label. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the ColissimoLabel project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.