A non-intrusive gem for component-based development in Ruby on Rails.
Componeer is a non-intrusive gem that enhances component-based development in Ruby on Rails applications. It empowers developers to effortlessly build modular, reusable, and highly maintainable UI components within their Rails projects. With an intuitive syntax and comprehensive features, Componeer simplifies component management, promotes code reusability, and enhances the scalability and flexibility of your Rails applications.
Get started
How to usage
Componeer is based on TailwindCSS framework but it doesn't enforce you an instalation for this library, unless you ask for it.
To begin using this gem, add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'componeer'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Load componeer js and tailwind classes
Add this line to your tailwind.config.js
, under content
module.exports = {
content: [
`...`, // Your content paths
Now, you can use our different installers for the things that you might want:
$ bundle exec rails componeer:install:tailwindcss
Internal only at this moment