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Setups the necessary classes and tests for a codejam solution.


>= 0.7.11
>= 0.9.2
 Project Readme


Build Status

Somewhat stable. Let me know if you find any issues.


Ruby version 2.1.5


Very simple project preparer for google codejam. This will evolve over time. This is just something I'm throwing together to avoid the dirty work of project setup everytime.


As far as I see it, this gem is nice in that it generates a project directory with lots of nice files to get going immediately:

  1. Gemfile - has Byebug gems already dropped in there for you If you've never used it, its a great tool. All you have to do is write: byebug anywhere in your code (think gdb) and you get a nice breakpoint. Byebug cheatsheet Don't forget to install the gems with the command bundle install
  2. Rakefile - will run everything in the generated spec folder automatically. There is already included an example test that you can overwrite. Run the tests with the command rake test
  3. custom_processor.rb - The main purpose of the google codejam is the algorithm. Anything else you have to do is unnecessary time wasting setup. There are other gems out there that try and accomplish the same thing, but I wanted something even simpler. Where I didn't have to write anything extra, I could merely set some properties, implement the methods I needed and be done. That is exactly what this gem does. See the Usage section to see what I mean.


Get this gem from rubygems and once installed, use it to generate a new project.

gem install confire
confire new_project_name
cd new_project_name

# modify config.yml
# modify custom_processor.rb


Key Files

To make this work for you, and as alluded to in the Usage section, there are two main files you need to edit.

  1. config.yml
  2. custom_processor.rb


This is an explaination of the configs you can update in the config.yml.

  1. filename - the input filename to process
  2. lines_per_test_case - how many lines count as 1 test case
  3. log_level - the log level you want as a quoted string (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)
  4. log_name - optional name you want to see in the log. deleting this prop defaults it to 'application'

Custom Processor

This is where the logic of processing go. Greater detail can be found as comments in the custom_processor.rb file itself.

  1. process_testcase - put the logic of processing each test case here
  2. process_line - put the logic of formatting each line here

Project Files

You will see a lot of files get dumped into your project directory. Don't worry, they each have a purpose. You shouldn't ever need to edit let alone open any of the files other than config.yml and custom_processor.rb.

  1. README.txt - a very quick readme to get up and running quickly.
  2. config.yml - Used to set configs, explained above.
  3. Gemfile - List of debugging and some formatting gems.
  4. Rakefile - Rakefile with 'rake test' already set up.
  5. custom_processor.rb - This is where you will put your work. There are two main methods to overload here, one to process a given test case and one to process each line. Read the comments in this file for a detailed explaination. Feel free to add other classes you need and require them here.
  6. spec - Contains a generic tests for the custom_processor.rb. Expand as you need of course.
  7. input_sample.txt - Dummy sample file that you need to override (or simply point to a new one in the config.yml)
  8. driver.rb - The main ruby script invoked by the run. This ties your custom_processor to the rest of the code that is parsing the input file.
  9. - Script used to invoke everything (will run the main which will invoke the processor). Simply call without passing in any args.


If you want to build upon this gem, awesome!


rake test

This runs the tests found in the spec directory.


This will get expanded of course as time goes on. Complete with tests and more functionality. There are some tests now, but I hope to add more.