Console Unfuddle
Utility for work with account from console
- gem install confuddle
- $ un install
- Edit HOME_DIR/.passwd_to_unfuddle.yml and fill with your own values
- $ un projects and set for each project aliases "un alias" and set current project "un curr"
un addcm NUMBER # add ticket comment
un addt NUMBER HOURS COMMENT [DATE] # add time
un alias PROJECT_ID ALIAS # set project alias
un all [REGEXP] # show all tickets for current project
un alla [REGEXP] # show all (in all projects) tickets
un assi TICKETS [NEW_ASSIGNEE] # update tickets assingee
un at PERIOD # show all times report for account (PERIOD = [tm lm tw lw y [0-9]+])
un atm PERIOD # show my times report for account (PERIOD = [tm lm tw lw y [0-9]+])
un clear # clear caches
un curr ID_OR_ALIAS # set current project id
un help [TASK] # Describe available tasks or one specific task
un my # show tickets assignee to me for current project
un mya # show tickets (in all projects) assignee to me
un new ALIAS TITLE [ASSIGNEE] [PRIO] # create ticket
un notify PARAMS # Notify about changes with tickets by Gnome-Notify, PARAMS='status,comments'
un op TICKET_ID # Open selected ticked from current project in browser
un projects # show all projects for your account
un show NUMBER [t] # show ticket by number, [t] - show TimeEntries
un t PERIOD # show all times report (PERIOD = [tm lm tw lw y [0-9]+])
un tm PERIOD # show my times report (PERIOD = [tm lm tw lw y [0-9]+])
un upd TICKETS NEW_STATUS # update tickets statuses
Intalling with rvm (should install for global gemset):
rvm gemset use global
gem install confuddle
Used gems:
unfuzzle by Patrick Reagan of Viget Labs
grapt by Patrick Reagan