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Provides loading of Cortex snippets for Ruby applications, with some Rails ViewHelpers


>= 0
~> 12.0
~> 3.5


 Project Readme

Cortex Snippets Client

This is the Ruby Client of the Snippets Library for Cortex. The purpose of this gem is to create a simplified way of accessing the content of snippets that are modifiable in the Cortex IPE and rendering them as useable markup, as well as the various other attributes of Webpages.


To Install simply run

gem install cortex-snippets-client

Or if you're installing from a Gemfile include it as

gem 'cortex-snippets-client`, '~> 1.0.4'

And then run

bundle install


In order to get started using the Cortex Snippets Client you're going to need to initialize a Cortex Client object that you will be using to interact with Cortex. You will need a separate client for each tenant you have active.

The following is a basic setup for a Cortex Client:

$cortex =
				  key: 1234567,
                  secret: ABCDEFG,
                  base_url: http://localhost:3000,
                  scopes: view:webpages)

Once you have your Cortex Client object you can simply initialize and store a Cortex Snippet Client object by creating it like so:

@cortex_snippet_client =$cortex)


Use of this gem is generally split into two categories: Snippets and Webpages

Snippets refers to blocks of markup that are editable in Cortex IPE and, through the use of this gem, persist into the tenant application. This allows the copy changes made in IPE to replace default blocks on the page and your changes to be shown.

Webpages refer to the created webpages themselves, which have several bits of relevant metadata including, but not limited to: title, keywords, and indexing information.


Basic Usage

To be properly used, snippets must have both a reference in the Markup:

# A view in your application

= snippet :id => 'a_snippet_name' do
    This is my awesome title

And a call to the Snippets Client:

# app/helpers/application_helper.rb

def snippet(options = {}, &block)
  @cortex_snippet_client.snippet(request, options, capture(&block))

This will take the given id of the snippet, search the relevant Cortex Tenant for any matches, and return a block of content - if it does not find a match it will simply return the default block of Markup.

Additional Usage

Any additional metadata you pass into the options hash will extend to the final, rendered snippet. For example:

# A view in your application

= snippet :id => 'a_snippet_name', :class => 'some_test_class' do
    This is my awesome title

Will result in the following markup being rendered:

<snippet id="a_snippet_name" class="some_test_class">
  <h1 class="heavy">
	This is my awesome title


The webpage system of this gem is used quite differently, in order to properly reference it you will need to do the following:

webpage = @cortex_snippet_client.current_webpage(request)

This will give you a webpage object from your current Cortex Tenant with all of the given metadata for that page as attributes. Here is a comprehensive list of accessible information for any Webpage:

Attribute Description
seo_title The title for the current Webpage.
seo_description The description of the current Webpage.
seo_keywords An array of search keywords for the current Webpage.1
seo_robots An array of indexing robot information for the current Webpage.2
noindex The noindex information for the Webpage. Included in seo_robots
nofollow The nofollow information for the Webpage. Included in seo_robots
noodp The noodp information for the Webpage. Included in seo_robots
nosnippet The nosnippet information for the Webpage. Included in seo_robots
noarchive The noarchive information for the Webpage. Included in seo_robots
noimageindex The noimageindex information for the Webpage. Included in seo_robots
dynamic_yield A hash of Dynamic Yield information from the current Webpage.
tables_widget_data A hash containing Tables Widget configuration data.
tables_widget_data_for An array (usually) containing table data for a single section.
snippets An array of the associated snippets with the current Webpage.

The resulting array from seo_keywords can be entered into a single keyword meta tag like so:

%meta{name: 'keywords', content: webpage.seo_keywords.join(',') }

The resulting array from seo_robots can be entered into a single robots meta tag like so:

%meta{name: 'robots', content: webpage.seo_robots.join(',') }


See for a comprehensive and updated history of changes to this gem. Additionally this gem uses GitHub version, so you can go there and see any general release notes.


The following is in addition to the usual GitHub flow (fork the repo, pull it down locally, etc...)

  • If you would like to contribute to this gem please create a branch entitled issue/#{GitHub Issue Number}-#{Issue Name}. If you are submitting a new feature without an attached issue then name your branch feature/#{Descriptive Feature Name}
  • Make your changes locally and write tests for all created changes
  • For any added commits please follow the patterns of Semantic Git Commits
  • Create a Pull Request in which you detail what you changed, why you changed it, and every other relevant detail to your PR. If your PR is for an open issue please link to that.
  • Correspond with us! (We're really very nice)
  • When it's accepted and approved we will merge in your code!!


Apache License, Version 2.0