CouchRestAdapter¶ ↑
This is a realy early version.
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.
Requirements¶ ↑
Rails > 4
Requires config/database.yml file
Instalation¶ ↑
Right now there will be a conflict if you use it as it is mixed with ActoveRecord, so you should create your reails project without AR, as in rails new my_app -O
In Gemfile¶ ↑
gem 'couch_rest_adapter'
Sample config/couchdb.yml¶ ↑
All this are required attributes.
defaults: &defaults host: localhost port: 5984 protocol: http design_doc: my_app # optional # username: username # password: password development: <<: *defaults name: db test: <<: *defaults name: db_test
Versions > 0.8.0 support https protocol, s
CouchViews¶ ↑
After installing the gem you should run “‘rake db:push:config“` this will setup a design document called as the database.yml “`design_doc“` value with the next structure:
{ "_id": "_design/my_app", "language": "coffeescript", "views": { "all": { "map": "(d) ->\n split_id = d._id.split('/')\n t = split_id[0]\n emit t, d\n", "reduce": "# This is only for demosntration one can use the built in count\n(keys, values, rereduce)->\n if rereduce\n sum(values)\n else\n values.length\n" }, "by_attribute": { "map": "(doc) ->\n type = doc._id.split('/')[0]\n for a of doc\n emit([type, a, doc[a]], doc._id)\n" }, "by_type": { "map": "(d)->\n emit d.type.toLowerCase(), d._id if d.type\n" }, } }
You can add more views as needed into “‘db/designs/“` folder.
This is how the designs are delcared:
db designs
Then if you run “‘rake db:push:design“` the “`_design/my_app“ document will be updated. The views need to be written on coffeescript code.
One thing: this will allow you to add tests to your couch views ;-)
Model Declaration¶ ↑
class User < CouchRestAdpater::Base use_default_database end
Allow setting new attributes with “‘model.attribute = value“`
More test coverage
Add tasks for pushing design documents