

No commit activity in last 3 years
No release in over 3 years
Provide reporting and analysis of your site CSP violations


>= 2.1.0
~> 0.2.8
>= 1.8.1
>= 3.0.2
>= 0.0.4
>= 2.13.2
~> 4.0.0


>= 4.0.0
>= 0.5.8
>= 4.0.0
>= 3.0.4
>= 4.0.0
 Project Readme


This gem provides a Rails engine that manages the CSP violations reported by the client browser (when supported).

As of today (Sept 14th), a new editor's draft of CSP 1.1 is available and got rid of the new proposed report elements. Therefore, as of today too, I'll publish the current version of the gem as the csp_report 1.0 version.

Installation | Upgrade | Configuration | Description

Careful: If migrating from an earlier version, please look up the upgrage instructions.

Now that v1.0 is out, I would advise to redo an install from scratch or to consult the new INSTALL file for details of what should be installed

What is CSP

CSP (Content Security Policy) is a way to limit cross site scripting by relying on the browser as a last line of defense. It does not mean the other anti XSS practices are to be forgotten though.

For more information, consult

Browser supporting CSP

Tested in Chrome (since version 27) and shown to work with the 'Content-Security-Policy' new directive. Safari 6 already supports it but with the 'X-Webkit-CSP' directive. However, it seems the report_uri parameter is not yet supported there.


  • Provides a csp_report resource that stores the reported violations.
  • Displays the violation for analysis along with consolidated reports.
  • Keeps up-to-date with the CSP W3C RFC

Why using this gem

CSP is yet another layer of protection, basically relying on the browser to do some level of control. This is a way to prevent some man in the middle attack where someone intercepts the server response and try to change it. While not foolproof, it's a good additional security layer.

This gem comes in handy for 2 reasons:

  • First, when activating CSP directives on your existing site, it is likely that you'll have a hard time figuring out all the sources you are using. By recording all the breaches, this gem allows you to setup a policy, run a crawler for example, and then look at what is reported as breaches. It will help you getting rid of your inline js and tuning your policy.
  • Second, in normal production mode, it'll help you monitor the situation and see if your server has been victim of some injection (if some input is not sanitize properly) or if your users are being attacked in some way (in which case you might gather stats and maybe warn them in one way or another).


(See the file for more details)

  1. In your Gemfile, add the following
	gem csp_report

Don't forget to run bundle install afterwards

  1. Run the generator. The engine mount point is configurable. By default it will be /csp but you can change that to your liking by passing a parameter to the install generator
    If you want to run the easy install step just after, you can now pass the -a param to the install generator and it will execute the csp_declaration generator too
	rails generate csp_report:install [mount_point_name] [-a]

Among other things, it retrieves the db migration files from the gem and copy them in the application
Don't forget to run the rake db:migrate command

  1. EASY INSTALL: if you used the -a parameter above, you can skip this Use the helper generator to get your CSP directive skeleton. It will use the mount point that you defined in the install. Execute
	rails generate csp_report:csp_declaration

You can then customize the directive in the ApplicationController.

  1. (If you have not followed the previous step and not used the -a parameter) You need to configure a CSP on your server response, with the report_uri parameters pointing to the configured REST resource above. Following the setup above, one solution is to find this in your application_controller.rb file:
	class ApplicationController

		before_filter :csp
		def csp
			response.headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = "script-src 'self'; report-uri /csp/csp_reports"
  1. You're all set. Accessing application_root_url/csp/csp_reports will display a list of all the CSP violation that were reported (csp might be replaced by your custom mount point).

Trying it out

With the policy set as an example above (script 'self'), inline javascript is not authorized. Just put some


in one of your HTML rendered file and launch it in a browser. If the setup is correct and you browser supports CSP, the script will not play (no pop-up) and you'll have one more record in the /csp/csp_reports list.

Tuning the engine

Overriding the engine's CSS

The engine comes packages with some CSS so that the page do not look ugly. Since it is meant to be available for site admins or developers, the look&feel is a secondary concern. Still you might want to customize it for consistency with your site. This is easy to do. Indeed, all the classes used are namespaced with csp-report. To customize the CSS, just create the following file: app/assets/stylesheets/csp_report/csp_report.css

Careful though, this is going to remove all the styles definition, so you'll have to redefine every single one of them.

Changing the CSP rule per controller/action

This is not tested, but by adding a before_filter to any of your controller, you should be able to override the application level CSP directive.

TODO - gbataille - Test it


  • For general usage, a constant CspReport::MOUNT_POINT is defined with the namespace provided while running the install generator. This constant is typically used in the response header construction.
  • For "plugability", as for any engine, rails gives some helper objects. While I could not get it to work as I wanted, in a view you can use csp_report.routes.url_helpers and it will give you access to all the engine URL helpers.

To come

  • Customization instructions
  • Support of CSP 1.1 draft spec

Upgrade notes

Upgrade from 0.1.x

CAREFUL, 0.2.0 comes with DB changes. I won't do that in a minor after we are at v1, but for the moment, I thought it would not trouble too many people.

Make sure to run

rake csp_report:install:migrations
rake db:migrate

before continuing

Upgrade from 0.2.x or below

Version 0.3.0 comes with a configurable mount point and a couple of helpers that are accessible through the generators. While not strictly necessary (at least for the moment nothing depends on it), I would advise to

  • Edit your config/routes.rb and remove the mount instruction for the engine
  • run the mount generator. You can take this opportunity to configure the mount point to be something else than the default 'csp' by simply passing a name:
rails generate csp_report:mount [NAMESPACE]
  • run the initializer generator
rails generate csp_report:initializer_install

Upgrade from 0.3.x or below

Version 0.4.0 and above introduce a new javascript integration point to add the highchart library used to produce some visualization of the reporting data. The install generator would provide the additional hook. Rather than re-running the entire install (not tested), you can either

  • run the csp_report:highcharts_include generator
  • or add the //= require csp_report in your application.js file.


This project is under a MIT-LICENSE.


Gregory Bataille