Ruby command-line tool that prettifies CSS files grouping lines by property rather than by selector
Installation (from GemCutter)
sudo gem update --system # in order to install dependencies
gem install csswaxer
csswaxer http://rubygems.org/stylesheets/all.css
csswaxer http://vlex.com/stylesheets/new.css
To do
- Add a proper wiki
- Accept CSS files with commands split on multiple lines
- Accept different media types, not only screen
- Contain every possible CSS property
- Align TABS for each property
- Also expand shorthand property list-style (css_parser does not)
- Recreate shorthand formats in the final output
Other styles of CSS Code Readability
v0.0.9 2014/06/05 Bump CSS Parser, which is now available as a gem again. Include iconv which is required.
v0.0.8 2010/08/03 CSS Parser is no (longer) available as a gem in version 1.1.0. Fixed by creating a new gem called css_parser_1.1.0 and requiring that one instead
v0.0.7 2010/04/03 Expanded shorthand properties: background, font, margin, padding
v0.0.6 2010/04/02 Requires CSS Parser > 1.1.0 which includes load_file!
v0.0.5 2010/04/02 Fixed a bug; now respects multiple property values for the same selector
v0.0.4 2010/03/31 Fixed a bug; now also respects !important statements
v0.0.3 2010/03/28 Fixed a bug; now also works on remote CSS files
v0.0.1 2010/03/28 First commit that only works on CSS files with one-line style.
Released in the public domain under the Ruby license. See LICENSE for details.