Job queue with MongoDB with emphasis on never losing any task even if worker fails hard (segfault).
- Ruby >= 1.9.2
- gem "mongo", "~> 1.3.1"
- gem "posix-spawn", "~> 0.3.6"
Give Cyclop access to mongo:
Cyclop.db =["database_name"]
or with Replica-Sets
Cyclop.db =["database_name"]
or if you're using MongoMapper:
Cyclop.db = MongoMapper.database
or if you're using Mongoid:
Cyclop.db = Mongoid.database
Queue a new task:
Cyclop.push({ queue: :upload, job_params: { url: "", }, })
Queue a new task to process in 5 minutes, to retry 3 times in case of error with a 1 minute delay between each:
Cyclop.push({ queue: :convert, job_params: { tmp_file: "/tmp/uploaded_file_32.png", }, delay: 300, retries: 3, splay: 60, })
Get next job:
Get next job on specific queues: :upload, :convert
Get next job on specific queues for a specific host: :upload, :convert, host: "tartarus.local"
Get failed jobs (limit to 30):
Cyclop.failed limit: 30
Get failed jobs (skip first 10, limit to 30):
Cyclop.failed skip: 10, limit: 30
Requeue a failed job:
job = Cyclop.failed.first job.requeue
Start a worker:
cyclop -c config.yml
To get help about the format for config.yml
cyclop -h
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cyclop is Copyright © 2011 TalentBox SA. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.