D12n (=delocalization) can be used to cast model attributes from localized format to an internal BigDecimal or Integer representation. This is done by adding an additional attribute to the model which keeps the original value the user has entered. This has the advantage that the original user input can be validated and rendered back to the user during validation errors.
gem 'd12n'
Sample model
class Dummy
include D12n::ModelSupport
attr_accessor :amount
d12n_attribute :amount
d = Dummy.new
d.amount = 1_234.56
d.local_amount # "1,234.56"
d.local_amount = '3,456.78'
d.amount.class # BigDecimal
d.amount.to_f # 3456.78
d.local_amount = 'invalid'
d.amount.to_f # 3456.78, did not change
# the default, no need to set it
# It will use the settings from your I18n locale (number.format) to parse and generate the formatted number
# It is heavily recommended to use this
D12n.config.strategy = D12n::Strategy::Default
# Hard coded strategy using decimal point
D12n.config.strategy = D12n::Strategy::DecimalPoint
# Hard coded strategy using decimal comma
D12n.config.strategy = D12n::Strategy::DecimalComma
Custom method prefix
d12n_attribute :amount, prefix: 'localized'
Would give you localized_amount
instead of local_amount
Internal integer representation with a factor
If your internal representation is for example in cents, but the local format should be EUR with decimal point you can use this option:
d12n_attribute :amount, factor: 100
d = Dummy.new
d.amount = 1_234
d.local_amount # "12,34"
d.local_amount = '3,456.78'
d.amount.class # Integer
d.amount # 345_678