Daberu - Create a talkative object.
おしゃべりなオブジェクトをつくることができます。 [You can create a talkative object.]
メソッドが呼ばれると、その情報を指定されたフォーマットで出力します。 [If a method is called, it will output in the format which had the information specified.]
主な用途:デバッグ [One way, Debugging.]
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'daberu'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install daberu
require 'daberu'
a = Daberu::Talker.new([])
a << 1 #=> "Class: Array, Method: <<, Arguments: [1], Block: "
a << 2 #=> "Class: Array, Method: <<, Arguments: [2], Block: "
a << 3 #=> "Class: Array, Method: <<, Arguments: [3], Block: "
a.each do |i|
p i
#=> "Class: Array, Method: each, Arguments: [], Block: #<Proc:...>"
include Daberu # With liking
p Talker.format_get(a) #=> "Class: %s, Method: %s, Arguments: [%s], Block: %s"
Talker.format_set(a, "%s#%s(%s)")
p Talker.format_get(a) #=> "%s#%s(%s)"
a << 4 #=> "Array#<<(4)"
Ruby version
開発/テストは1.9系で行なっています。 [Development and Testing on 1.9.x.]
1.8系でも動作しますが、ドキュメントと挙動が違うかもしれません。 [Although 1.8.x operates, an action may differ from documents.]
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