Jira and GitHub should be friends, and Danger brings them closer together with jira_sync
Add danger-jira_sync
to your Gemfile
gem "danger-jira_sync"
Or, without bundler
$ gem install danger-jira_sync
You must always configure jira_sync before it can access the Jira REST API
jira_url: "https://myjirainstance.atlassian.net",
jira_username: "test@example.com",
jira_api_token: "ABC123",
Automatically label Pull Requests with the associated Jira issue's component names and project key
configure(jira_url:, jira_username:, jira_api_token:)
Configures the Jira Client with your credentials
jira_url [String]
- The full url to your Jira instance, e.g., "https://myjirainstance.atlassian.net" -
jira_username [String]
- The username to use for accessing the Jira instance. Commonly, this is an email address -
jira_api_token [String]
- The API key to use to access the Jira instance. Generate one here: https://id.atlassian.com/manage/api-tokens
- The underlyingJIRA::Client
Labels the Pull Request with Jira Project Keys and Component Names
autolabel_pull_request(issue_prefixes, project: true, components: true, labels: true)
Labels the Pull Request with Jira Project Keys, Component Names, and Labels
issue_prefixes [Array<String>]
- An array of issue key prefixes; this is often the project key. These must be present in the title or body of the Pull Request
[Array<String>, nil]
- The list of project & component labels that were applied or nil if no issue or labels were found
- Create a Jira Cloud developmnet environment
- Clone this repo
- Run
bundle install
to setup dependencies - Copy
and fill in settings for GitHub and your Jira Cloud development environment - Run
bundle exec rake spec
to run the tests - Use
bundle exec guard
to automatically have tests run as you make changes - Make your changes
⚠️ Do not commit fixtures with your credentials in them ⚠️
Before committing, check to see if you have created or changed any fixtures in /spec/fixtures/vcr_cassettes
. If you have, it is possible that the changed file contains your credentials. Manually remove your credentials from these fixture files
When a new HTTP request is made that VCR hasn't seen before, it will record the response from the server and play it back in subsequent HTTP requests to the same URL with the same headers. This means that if a new request is made in the tests, it will actually make a request to the server in order to record the response. For this reason, development should be done within testing environments in GitHub and Jira Cloud