The project is in a healthy, maintained state
Enforce Jacoco code coverage on CI.


~> 2.2
~> 2.14
= 3.0.7
>= 0
~> 13.0
~> 3.4
>= 0


 Project Readme
  • danger-shroud
    • Installation
    • Usage Kover
      • Parameters
      • Examples
    • Usage Jacoco
      • Parameters
      • Examples
    • Development
    • Versioning


A danger plugin for enforcing code coverage coverage via a Kover or Jacoco coverage report.

Shroud Banner Image


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'danger-shroud'

Usage Kover

Shroud depends on having a Kover coverage report generated for your project. For Android projects, kotlinx-kover works well.


You can use the following parameters to control how shroud operates:

Param Type Description Example
moduleName String the display name of the project or module. 'Module Name '
file String file path to a Kover xml coverage report. 'path/to/kover/report.xml'
totalProjectThreshold Integer defines the required percentage of total project coverage for a passing build. default 90
modifiedFileThreshold Integer defines the required percentage of files modified in a PR for a passing build. default 90
failIfUnderProjectThreshold Boolean if true, will fail builds that are under the provided thresholds. if false, will only warn. default true
failIfUnderFileThreshold Boolean if true, will fail builds that are under the provided thresholds. if false, will only warn. default true
coverageType enum the type of coverage to use (:branch, :class, :instruction, :line, and :method). default :line


Running shroud with default values:

# Report coverage of modified files, fail if either total 
# project coverage or any modified file's coverage is under 90%
shroud.reportKover moduleName: 'Module Name', file: 'path/to/kover/report.xml'

Running shroud with custom coverage thresholds:

# Report coverage of modified files, fail if total project coverage is under 80%,
# or if any modified file's coverage is under 95%
shroud.reportKover moduleName: 'Module Name', file: 'path/to/kover/report.xml', totalProjectThreshold: 80, modifiedFileThreshold: 95

Warn on builds instead of fail:

# Report coverage of modified files the same as the above example, except the
# builds will only warn instead of fail if below project thresholds
shroud.reportKover moduleName: 'Module Name', file: 'path/to/kover/report.xml', totalProjectThreshold: 80, modifiedFileThreshold: 95, failIfUnderProjectThreshold: false, failIfUnderFileThreshold: false

Usage Jacoco


You can use the following parameters to control how shroud operates:

Param Type Description Example
moduleName String the display name of the project or module. 'Module Name '
file String file path to a Jacoco xml coverage report. 'path/to/jacoco/report.xml'
totalProjectThreshold Integer defines the required percentage of total project coverage for a passing build. default 90
modifiedFileThreshold Integer defines the required percentage of files modified in a PR for a passing build. default 90
failIfUnderProjectThreshold Boolean if true, will fail builds that are under the provided thresholds. if false, will only warn. default true
failIfUnderFileThreshold Boolean if true, will fail builds that are under the provided thresholds. if false, will only warn. default true
coverageType enum the type of coverage to use (:branch, :class, :instruction, :line, and :method). default :line


Shroud depends on having a Jacoco coverage report generated for your project. For Android projects, jacoco-android-gradle-plugin works well.

Running shroud with default values:

# Report coverage of modified files, fail if either total 
# project coverage or any modified file's coverage is under 90%
shroud.reportJacoco moduleName: 'Module Name', file: 'path/to/jacoco/report.xml'

Running shroud with custom coverage thresholds:

# Report coverage of modified files, fail if total project coverage is under 80%,
# or if any modified file's coverage is under 95%
shroud.reportJacoco moduleName: 'Module Name', file: 'path/to/jacoco/report.xml', totalProjectThreshold: 80, modifiedFileThreshold: 95

Warn on builds instead of fail:

# Report coverage of modified files the same as the above example, except the
# builds will only warn instead of fail if below thresholds
shroud.reportJacoco moduleName: 'Module Name', file: 'path/to/jacoco/report.xml', totalProjectThreshold: 80, modifiedFileThreshold: 95, failIfUnderProjectThreshold: false, failIfUnderFileThreshold: false


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run bundle install to setup dependencies.
  3. Run bundle exec rake spec to run the tests.
  4. Use bundle exec guard to automatically have tests run as you make changes.
  5. Make your changes.


This repository conforms to the semantic versioning convention:



  [MAJOR]   is incremented when an incompatible API change is made or a major milestone that significantly changes the library is achieved.

  [MINOR]   is incremented when new functionality is introduced in a backward-compatible manner.

  [PATCH]   is incremented when a backward-compatible bug fix is introduced.

All updates should have a corresponding CHANGELOG.md entry that at a high-level describes what is being newly introduced in it.

When incrementing a level any lower-levels should always reset to 0.