Surface your SwiftLint JSON report in pull requests. If no report exists, one will be created using the existing SwiftLint install. Results are displayed in a markdown table.
Run report# Runs SwiftLint if necessary and processes the report using the default settings swiftlint.report
Run a report with a specific report file# Assumes your path starts in the present directory swiftlint.report 'path/to/report.json'
Run a report, ignoring warningsswiftlint.enabled_types = [:error] swiftlint.report
Run a report, defining custom warning emojiswiftlint.issue_emoji[:warning] = '❓' swiftlint.report
- Allows you to set which issue types are displayed.
Defaults to [:warning", :error]
- Allows configuration of which emoji is shown for an issue type.
Defaults to {:warning: '⚠', :error: '❌'}
- Lint an existing report or have one generated. Will fail if swiftlint
is not installed.
Generates a markdown
list of warnings and errors from the JSON report, linking to each issue's line in the PR.
Does nothing when there are no valid issues to raise.
- Determine if swiftlint is currently installed in the system paths.