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Delivers .dart directly to Dartium-browser and compiles via ruby-dart2js for others as compatibility.


< 5.1, >= 4.1
~> 0.3.0
< 4.0.0, > 2.0.0
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dart-rails dart-rails API Documentation Gem Version


Handle dart scripts so they get compiled to js for browsers without dart support. Currently there's only the Dartium browser from the development-kit that supports dart natively.

For a working sample check m0gg/dart-rails-sample.


If you're upgrading from versions prior 0.4.2 and use sprockets >= 3.0.0 you need to replace your dart_app.js.dart2js or dart_app.js (depends form which version you're upgrading) with a symlink pointing to your dart_app.dart as sprockets >= 3.0.0 no longer supports the //= include directive.

If you're using rails 5, ignore the deprecation warning, sprockets is using the same method internally and just silences the warning...

example ls app/assets/dart/

$ ls app/assets/dart/dart_app.*
app/assets/dart/dart_app.dart  app/assets/dart/dart_app.js.dart2js


  1. Gemfile

    gem 'ruby-dart2js'
    gem 'dart-rails'
  2. $ rails generate dart:assets

    rails g dart:assets
    create  app/assets/dart
    create  app/assets/dart/dart_app.dart
    create  app/assets/dart/dart_app.js.dart2js
    create  app/assets/dart/pubspec.yaml
    • app/assets/dart/dart_app.dart Your dart main() goes in here
    • app/assets/dart/dart_app.js.dart2js you don't want to touch this file unless you know exactly what you're doing
    • app/assets/dart/pubspec.yaml the pubspec for your dart-code used to gather dependencies, etc.
    for those who are interested in the app/assets/dart/dart_app.js.dart2js

    This file is crucial for the conversion of dart to js through the sprockets pipeline. .dart2js gets registered as a js template (just like .coffee) and runs through dart2js before beeing delivered as js. So if you request /assets/dart_app.js sprockets recognizes this file and passes it to dart2js. You could put dart code in here, but requests to /assets/dart_app.dart would deliver something different or nothing at all, that's why it should be a symlink to your actual dart_app.dart or, if you're on sprockets prior 3.0.0 and prefer that way, should contain //= include dart_app.dart. Note that sprockets >= 3.0.0 does not support the //= include directive an you're pinned to the symlink-method.

  3. asset links

    Note: scripts in html get executed after they are loaded, that's why scripts that interact with the html and are loaded in the <head> will wait for the ready event. This is a quite unusual in dart applications but does not affect most of them because the <script> tag is located at the bottom of the body and thus gets loaded when the document is close enough to ready. Make sure your dart app waits for the ready event or put the corresponding tags at the bottom of the body. This applies for all 3 variants.

    Now it's up to you wether you want to serve your .dart files and it's compiled .js variant side-by-side or only one of those variants.

    • .dart and .js

      You'll need to add following to the bottom of your body in the layout layout.html.erb (for instance)

      <%= dart_include_tag 'dart_app' %>
      <%= javascript_include_tag 'dart' %>
      • dart_include_tag 'dart_app' adds your dart_app.dart
      • javascript_include_tag 'dart' adds the dart.js from the gem for compatibility

      As of rails 4 you'll need to turn asset digesting off, append config.assets.digest = false to the environment you like to use.

      for those who are interested in the javascript_include_tag 'dart'

      The dart.js will replace the <script> tags of the type application/dart to ones with type application/javascript and substitute the .dart extension of the src attribute with .js if the browser is not Dartium. This ensures that you are able to deliver native dart to Dartium and js to all others. Because we only have digested asset names in rails 4, you'll need to turn it off completely to ensure your renamed dart script will point to a non-digested js script. I know this is stupid but we don't have any browser besides Dartium that would support native dart anyways...

    • .js only

      simply add this to your application.js

      //= require dart_app

      While this would enable you to add several dart programs, there is no guarantee it will work out. (untested) Please pay attention to the former note about placement of the <script> tags in your layout. If in doubt move the default <%= javascript_include_tag 'application' %> to the bottom of the layouts body.

    • .dart only

      You just need to add the dart_include_tag to the bottom of your body in the layout layout.html.erb (for instance)

      <%= dart_include_tag 'dart_app' %>
  4. rake pub:get

    Run rake pub:get to respect the dependencies in your pubspec.yaml. Initially the pubspec contains rails_ujs as dependency, this is just basic for now, so you probably want to omit it if you're still using JQuery.

  5. ruby-dart2js

    See ruby-dart2js on github for setup.



Don't worry if you're experiencing a

ExecJS::ProgramError: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

This is exactly what it means, a stackoverflow of UglifyJs. According to RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded #414 UglifyJs is massivly recursive and your dart2js file might have blown it. This happened to me with an AngluarDart application. You may simply disable UglifyJs in the environment file.

# Compress JavaScripts and CSS.
# config.assets.js_compressor = :uglifier
assets:precompile + native .dart files

This is no longer relevant as there are no browsers that support native dart and should be used for production.

Attention currently not working with rails >= 4.2

As of rails 4 we are facing a problem for the productive environments. See Inability to compile nondigest and digest assets breaks compatibility with bad gems #49

You may optionally add this to your Gemfile

gem 'non-stupid-digest-assets', '>= 1.1', github: 'm0gg/non-stupid-digest-assets'

this will enable a workaround for digesting the assets while precompiling dart files as seen in non-stupid-digest-assets and additionally rewrite the manifests to use the non-digest files.



  • fix version to allow Rails 5

v0.4.4 - WIP:

  • fix append_path in js_compat_engine.rb
  • extend README

v0.4.3 - 17. Dec 2015:

  • including several README updates
  • remove section for non-stupid-digest-assets

v0.4.2 - 16. Dec 2015:

  • full compat with sprockets 2 & 3 by switching to symlinked dart_app.js.dart2js
  • fixed dart2js compilation by data
  • requires dart2js ~> 0.3.0

v0.4.0 - 4. Dec. 2015:

  • you now need a dart_app.js.dart2js template with following content:


//= include dart_app.dart

v0.3.3 - 9. Nov. 2015:

  • support for sprockets-rails > 2.3.0

v0.3.2-p1 - 9. Nov. 2015:

  • remain support for sprockets-rails prior 2.3.0

v0.3.0 - 21. Jan. 2015:

  • with v0.2.0 of ruby-dart2js, minifying is supported and will bump the feature version of dart-rails with updated dependencies

v0.2.5 - 14. Jan. 2015:

  • fixed a misplaced initializer for non-stupid-digest-assets that caused every asset to be non-digested

v0.2.4 - 13. Dec. 2014 - update:

  • corrected pubspec.yml to assign valid dart_app as name

v0.2.3 - 13. Dec. 2014:

v0.2.2 - 12. Dec. 2014 - update:

  • dart-rails is now available via rubygems, it's first published with version 0.2.2

v0.2.2 - 04. Dec. 2014:

v0.2.1 - 18. Oct. 2014:

  • dart2js compilation no longer recurses to infinity and further, this problem came uo to me while working with angularDart, which now compiles fine (takes some time though)
  • sorry for dev-gap, been quite busy in university

v0.2.0 - 08. Oct. 2014:

  • dart-rails can now detect changes in dart code and its dependencies
  • RailsUjs call is now in the initial dart_app.dart template
  • fixed pathname to touch for change recognition
  • renamed relevant constants to Dart2Js
  • bumped ruby-dart2js version to 0.1.0

v0.1.2 - 27. Sep. 2014:

  • slightly different dart2js output directory-tree, now based on md5-hashed timestamps

v0.1.1 - 29. Aug. 2014:

  • dart-rails will no longer break assets:precompile

v0.1.0 - 29. Aug. 2014:

  • Note that .dart2js templates are no longer needed. Sprockets DirectiveProcessor for Javascript ist now capable of including dart2js-compiled scripts via a //= dart dart_app directive. See updated sample application on github.
  • Errors during dart2js compilation will now be handled by Sprockets and thus the exception message will be thrown in the created js file. For now there will be also an output on the console.
  • As for newest SprocketsRails there is no longer the need of manually adding dart.js to the precompilation list.
  • Compiled scripts will reside in the #{Rails.root}/tmp/cache/ directory.