🔶 Daru::APIClient 🔶
Get JSON data from Rest API with httparty and create Daru::DataFrame.
gem install daru-apiclient
- Ruby
- Daru
- httparty
- Jupyter notebook with IRuby (reccomended)
Get BestGems.org's data using API.
juypter notebook
require 'daru/apiclient'
require 'daru/view'
Daru::View.plotting_library = :googlecharts
C = Daru::APIClient.new "http://bestgems.org/api/v1/gems"
def bestgems(gem)
df = C.get("/#{gem}/daily_downloads.json")
df.rename_vectors "daily_downloads" => gem
rack = bestgems "rack"
rake = bestgems "rake"
json = bestgems "json"
thor = bestgems "thor"
df = rack.join(rake, how: :inner, on: ["date"])
.join(json, how: :inner, on: ["date"])
.join(thor, how: :inner, on: ["date"])
df.order = ["date", "rack", "rake", "json", "thor"]
df = df.row[-300..-20]
chart = Daru::View::Plot.new(df,
type: :area,
isStacked: true,
height: 400
- This gem will keeps its simplicity.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/kojix2/daru-apiclient.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.