This is CodiTramuntana's Decidim Toolbelt (cdtb), a gem to help managing Decidim applications.
Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:
$ bundle add decidim-cdtb
$ bundle install
Install CI tests on your app with:
$ bin/rails generate cdtb:validate_migrations_ci
Organizations information
Returns information regarding the organizations in a multitenant installation that match a search term ignorecase.
The following will return all the attributes for all organizations that contain the "vila" term in its host name:
bin/rake cdtb:org_by_host_like[vila,true]
With the full
argument set to true
will return the most relevant attributes:
bin/rake cdtb:org_by_host_like[vila]
>>> Organization [1] Sant Boi de Llobregat:
host: localhost, time_zone: Madrid, locales: ca + [ca, es, oc], available authorizations: [postal_letter, members_picker_authorization_handler]
Anonymize production dump
Anonymize rake task was taken from
Available rake tasks:
bin/rake cdtb:anonymize:check
allows you to check if you can anonymize production dump -
bin/rake cdtb:anonymize:all
anonymizes whole production dump (without proposals) -
bin/rake cdtb:anonymize:users
anonymizes users -
bin/rake cdtb:anonymize:proposals
anonymizes proposals -
bin/rake cdtb:anonymize:user_groups
anonymizes user groups -
bin/rake cdtb:anonymize:system_admins
anonymizes system admins -
bin/rake cdtb:anonymize:paper_trail
anonymizes paper trails
Fix YouTube embeds for Decidim v0.28
Fixes YouTube embeds to Decidim v0.28 format in different places, which at the moment are:
- Decidim::Meetings::Meeting
- Decidim::Debates::Debate
- Decidim::Pages::Page
- Decidim::Assembly
- Decidim::ParticipatoryProcess
bin/rake cdtb:embeds:fix_youtube
Migrate ActiveStorage service from S3 to local
To migrate from S3 to local storage, the identified steps will be:
- Download the assets to a temporary directory:
aws s3 sync s3://bucket-name tmp/storage/
- Move the downloaded assets into the local storage directory doing the sharding:
bin/rake cdtb:s3_to_local:do_sharding
- Update all blobs to use the local service
bin/rake cdtb:s3_to_local:set_local_service_on_blobs
- Clean the cache:
bin/rake cache:clear
- Restart the Rails server
Spam & bots
Spam and bots are daily menaces in the current Internet. Decidim is not an exception, and is affected by both security concerns and performance.
Bad bots and crawlers
Decidim is already bundled with Rack::Attack but it lacks some features like IP banning or throttling by forwarded IP (useful when Decidim is behind a proxy). CDTB by default enables Rack::Attack with these features.
Four ENV variables exist to configure its behaviour:
- CDTB_RACK_ATTACK_DISABLED: Set to 1 to disable CDTB's Rack:Attack.
- RACK_ATTACK_THROTTLE_LIMIT: The max. allowed number of requests during the period. Defaults to 30.
- RACK_ATTACK_THROTTLE_PERIOD: The period in seconds. Defaults to 60.
- RACK_ATTACK_BLOCKED_IPS: A comma separated list of blocked IPs or subnets (in the form
Available rake tasks to help analize crawlers:
bin/rake cdtb:logs:num_rq_per_ip
Counts the number of requests for each IP in the logs. Accepts a logfile param, it must be in log/.
Detect spam users
Detects users susceptible of being spammers. It can run on all organizations or be scoped to a single organization by passing the organization ID as the rake task parameter.
This rake task export a .csv with a list of all the searched users. A column indicates if each user is suspicious of being a spammer or not. The columns in the CSV are: "ID, "Is suspicious?", "Name", "Email", "Nickname", "Personal URL", "About"
bin/rake cdtb:spam:users[org_id]
--> find users in organization with an id.
bin/rake cdtb:spam:users
--> find all users in all organizations.
To set custom words in the rake, you can override it with an initalizer:
Decidim::Cdtb.configure do |config|
config.spam_words = ENV["CDTB_SPAM_WORDS"]&.split(",")
Tasks related with users.
Fix nicknames
In a previous version than Decidim v0.25 a validation to the Decidim::User.nickname
was added with a migration to fix existing nicknames. But the migration was only taking into account managed (impersonated) users.
This task iterates (with find_each
) over all non managed users and nicknamizes the nickname.
To execute the task run:
bin/rake cdtb:users:fix_nicknames
Remove users
You can delete users through a CSV with the user ID and a reporter user mailer. The purpose is to be able to eliminate potentially spammy users.
This task reports and hide the user's comments, blocks the user, and finally deletes the user.
The CSV will have a header and one column with the user ID.
To execute the task run:
bundle exec rake cdtb:users:remove[spam_users.csv,]
Upgrade modules
Upgrades the gems with engines in them. All, Decidim modules and standard Rails engines.
TO-DO To be finished
Validate migrations
Validates that migrations from all gems in the Gemfile have already been installed.
bin/rake cdtb:upgrades:validate_migrations
See the Installation chapter to install a GitHub Action on your app that will run this validation on your CI.
TO-DO also check that all migrations have been executed and the schema.rb does not change
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem
file to
Run tests
Node 16.9.1 is required!
Create a dummy app:
bin/rails decidim:generate_external_test_app
And run tests:
bundle exec rspec spec
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Code of Conduct
Everyone interacting in the Decidim::Cdtb project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.