Decimal - multi-precision decimal arithmetic library¶ ↑
Decimal is (yet another) multi-precision decimal arithmetic library, which aims to surpass BigDecimal. It provides simple, compact, fast, precise, stable and easy-to-use solution.
Webpages¶ ↑
Requirements¶ ↑
Ruby 1.9.3 / 2.0.0 / 2.1.x / 2.2.x / 2.3.x
Install¶ ↑
With rubygems,
sudo gem install decimal
or to build by yourself,
ruby extconf.rb make sudo make install
Read INSTALL for less details.
Examples¶ ↑
Use like Float with few exceptions including Decimal#divide.
require 'decimal' N = 3 # larger N may take huge time and more inaccurate result pi = 0 i = 0 loop do term = (-1) ** i * Decimal(4).divide(2 * i + 1, N + 2, :down) break if pi += term i += 1 end puts pi.round(N)
License¶ ↑
Ruby’s. See COPYING and BSDL for more details.