Deep Thought Capistrano 3 Deployer
Deploy via Capistrano (3.x.x) with Deep Thought.
Install it
gem install deep_thought-capistrano_3
Require it
In your Deep Thought's
require "deep_thought"
require "deep_thought-capistrano_3"
.deepthought.yml it
For your Capistrano (3.x.x) projects, set the deploy_type
to "capistrano3":
deploy_type: capistrano3
Use it
Deploy any branch to any environment.
The deployer always calls the deploy
namespace - all actions passed to a deploy will fall under that namespace. For example, setting an action to "config" will call "deploy:config".
and box
are passed via ENV vars, as are variables. Variables are formatted as key=value
, and comma-delimited.
Check out the base example for an easy place to start writing a Deep Thought-friendly Capistrano recipe.
Hack it
Find an issue? Want to make the deployer more robust?
Set it up:
Create an .env
echo RACK_ENV=development > .env
Set up the databases (PostgreSQL):
createuser deep_thought
createdb -O deep_thought -E utf8 deep_thought_development
createdb -O deep_thought -E utf8 deep_thought_test
rake db:migrate
Test it:
Contribute it
- Fork
- Create
- Code
- Test
- Push
- Submit
- Yay!