This is IronMQ backend for delayed_job
Getting Started
Get credentials
Heroku users: Simply add the IronMQ add-on and you can skip the rest of this section. It will be setup automatically when you add the IronMQ add-on.
To start using delayed_job_ironmq, you need to sign up for and setup your credentials.
- Go to and sign up.
- Get an Oauth Token at
- Add an iron.json file or setup environment variables for authentication. See for details.
Add the gems to your Gemfile:
gem 'delayed_job'
gem 'delayed_job_ironmq'
Optionally: Add an initializer (config/initializers/delayed_job.rb
Delayed::Worker.configure do |config|
# optional params:
config.available_priorities = [-1,0,1,2] # Default is [0]. Please note, adding new priorities will slow down picking the next job from queue. Also note that these priorities must include all priorities of your Delayed Jobs.
config.queue_name = 'default' # Specify an alternative queue name
config.delay = 0 # Time to wait before message will be available on the queue
config.timeout = 5.minutes # The time in seconds to wait after message is taken off the queue, before it is put back on. Delete before :timeout to ensure it does not go back on the queue.
config.expires_in = 7.days # After this time, message will be automatically removed from the queue.
That's it. Use delayed_job as normal.
class User
def background_stuff
puts "I run in the background"
Then in one of your controllers:
user =
Start worker process
rake jobs:work
That will start pulling jobs off the queue and processing them.
Compatibility with delayed_job 4.0.4 and higher
If you are using the last versions of delayed_job gem you can see the following error while running the above example :
Error while reserving job: undefined class/module User
To fix it move the user.rb file to lib/tasks/user.rake (user.rb should be renamed to user.rake) or add the path to user.rb in Rakefile:
require File.expand_path('path_to_user.rb', __FILE__)
Demo Rails Application
Here's a demo rails app you can clone and try it out:
Using with Heroku
To use with Heroku, just add the IronMQ Add-on and you're good to go.
You can find more documentation here: