Denouncer allows you to send notifications for occuring errors within your ruby applications. Right now it supports SMTP to send mail notifications with error details. The gem is designed to be extendable and provides a simple interface to implement other notification methods.
Build status
Current gem version
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'denouncer'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install denouncer
The configuration options depend on the chosen Notifier. Basic configuration variables are:
- application_name - the name of your application (required)
Console Notifier
The ConsoleNotifier is just for testing and demo purposes. It prints out exception details on the command line.
The STMP notifier sends email messages using the SMTP protocol. Set the notifier configuration setting to :smtp to use the SmtpNotifier.
Configuration variables are:
- application_name - the name of your application (required)
- server - the smtp server address to use (default: localhost)
- port - the port to use for smtp connections (default: 25)
- domain - the from domain to use (default: localhost)
- username - the username for the smtp connection (default: nil)
- password - the password for the smtp connection (default: nil)
- authtype - the smtp auth type to use (default: :cram_md5) (:plain, :login or :cram_md5)
- sender - the sender (from) address to use (required)
- recipients - an array of recipients for the notifications (required)
External SMTP server
Denouncer uses the Net::SMTP class to send mail. Additional configuration options are described here. require 'denouncer'
application_name: 'my_app',
notifier: :smtp,
port: 25,
server: '',
sender: '',
username: '',
password: 'your_password',
recipients: ['', ''],
authtype: :plain,
domain: ''
mailcatcher configuration
For more information in mailcatcher please refer to their github repo.
require 'denouncer'
application_name: "my_app",
notifier: :smtp,
port: 1025,
server: "localhost",
sender: "",
recipients: ['', '']
Denouncer uses the bunny gem to send mail. Additional configuration options are described here.
The bunny gem is required for the AmqpNotifier. Please add the bunny gem to your Gemfile as follows:
gem 'bunny'
Configuration variables are:
- application_name - the name of your application (required)
- server - the amqp server address to use (default: localhost)
- port - the port to use for amqp connections (default: 5672)
- username - the username for the amqp connection (default: 'guest')
- password - the password for the amqp connection (default: 'guest')
- vhost - the virtual host to use for the amqp connection (default: '/')
- message_queue - the message queue to use (default: "#{application_name}.errors", e.g. "myapp.errors")
AMQP Configuration
require 'denouncer'
application_name: "my_app",
notifier: :amqp,
port: 5672,
server: "localhost",
vhost: "/",
username: "guest",
password: "guest",
message_queue: "my_app.errors"
For more information on honeybadger please refer to their github repo.
The honeybadger and rack gems are required for the HoneybadgerNotifier. Please add the gems to your Gemfile as follows:
gem 'honeybadger'
gem 'rack'
Honeybadger is automatically configured using environment variables (e.g. HONEYBADGER_API_KEY). For a more detailed documentation please have a look at their instructions.
require 'denouncer'
application_name: "my_app",
notifier: :honeybadger
For more information on airbrake please refer to their github repo.
The airbrake gem is required for the AirbrakeNotifier. Please add the gem to your Gemfile as follows:
gem 'airbrake'
Airbrake Usage
require 'denouncer'
application_name: "my_app",
notifier: :airbrake,
api_key: 'my_key'
Multiple notifier configuration
Since version 0.4.0 denouncer supports parallel usage of multiple notifiers. All exception notifications will be send to all configured notifiers. The example below configures the amqp and smtp notifiers in parallel.
require 'denouncer'
application_name: "my_app",
notifiers: [:smtp, :amqp],
configurations: {
smtp: {
port: 1025,
server: "localhost",
sender: "",
recipients: ['', '']
amqp: {
port: 5672,
server: "localhost",
vhost: "/",
username: "guest",
password: "guest",
message_queue: "my_app.errors"
Error notification
The example below shows a basic usage pattern for denouncer notifications. Catch exceptions, then use denouncer's notify function and then re-raise the error again.
rescue => err
Denouncer.notify err, { test: "my metadata 1", test2: "my metadata 2" }
raise err
rescue => err
Denouncer.notify! err, { test: "my metadata 1", test2: "my metadata 2" }
The metadata is optional and defaults to nil.
Information notification 'This contains lots of valuable information :)', { t1: "metadata 1", t2: "metadata 2" }
Test Suite
bundle exec rspec
Architecture overview
This illustration shows the basic architecture of the denouncer gem.
- Implement better test coverage
- Fork it ([my-github-username]/denouncer/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
How to add a new notfier?
# Copy the console notifier as base
cp lib/denouncer/notifiers/console_notifier.rb lib/denouncer/notifiers/<name>_notifier.rb
# add your notifier to the module
vim lib/denouncer/notifiers.rb
# adjust the notifier as needed
# implement name, set_configuration! and notify methods
vim lib/denouncer/notifiers/<name>_notifier.rb
# add a section for the notifier to the documentation
# follow the instructions above (Contributing)