A ruby gem for concurrent tasks scheduling and resolving dependencies based on directed acyclic graphs and modified topological sorting algorithm.
- ruby => 2.4
gem install dependz
gem 'dependz'
Produce a topologically sorted list of all item stored in the Dependz::Client instance.
Meaning for every dependency A depends on B, A always appear after B in the sort_item
irb:001 > require 'Dependz'
irb:002 > my_morning =
irb:003 > my_morning.add(depend_by: 'make breakfast', depend_on: 'wake up')
irb:004 > my_morning.add(depend_by: 'make breakfast', depend_on: 'brush teeth and wash my face')
irb:005 > my_morning.add(depend_by: 'eat breakfast', depend_on: ['have my coffee', 'make breakfast', 'check my schedule'])
irb:006 > my_morning.add(depend_by: 'brush teeth and wash my face', depend_on: 'wake up')
irb:007 > my_morning.add(depend_by: 'wash the dishes', depend_on: 'eat breakfast')
irb:008 > my_morning.add(depend_by: 'dress up', depend_on: 'have my coffee')
irb:09 > my_morning.add(depend_by: 'make coffee', depend_on: 'wake up')
irb:0010 > my_morning.add(depend_by: 'have my coffee', depend_on: 'make coffee')
irb:0011 > my_morning.add(depend_by: 'check my schedule', depend_on: 'have my coffee')
irb:0012 > my_morning.add(depend_by: 'start my day', depend_on: ['have my coffee', 'dress up', 'check my schedule', 'eat breakfast', 'brush teeth and wash my face'])
irb:0014 > my_morning.sort_item
=> [
"wake up",
"brush teeth and wash my face",
"make breakfast",
"make coffee",
"have my coffee",
"check my schedule",
"eat breakfast",
"wash the dishes",
"dress up",
"start my day"
Produce an array of arrary.
Similar to sort_item
but all items that are on the same depth in Topology sort are grouped together.
Items that does not depend on anything have 0 depth and will appear on the first array. And items that only depends on items with 0 depth have depth = 1 and will appear on second array and so on.
On each depth, all item are independ of each other.
irb:001 > require 'Dependz'
irb:002 > make_omelette =
irb:003 > make_omelette.add(depend_by: 'cook eggs', depend_on: 'whisk eggs')
irb:004 > make_omelette.add(depend_by: 'cook mushroom', depend_on: 'wash and chop mushroom')
irb:005 > make_omelette.add(depend_by: 'put cooked mushroom aside', depend_on: 'cook mushroom')
irb:006 > make_omelette.add(depend_by: 'add cooked mushroom', depend_on: 'put cooked mushroom aside')
irb:007 > make_omelette.add(depend_by: ['add cooked mushroom', 'add cheese'], depend_on: 'cook eggs')
irb:008 > make_omelette.add(depend_by: 'serve the omelette', depend_on: ['cook eggs', 'add cheese', 'add cooked mushroom'])
irb:009 > make_omelette.sort_depth
=> [
["whisk eggs", "wash and chop mushroom"],
["cook eggs", "cook mushroom"],
["add cheese", "put cooked mushroom aside"],
["add cooked mushroom"],
["serve the omelette"]
Hypothetical use case
Suppose we have a task processing service call MagicalRobotArmy that can perform tasks asynchronously in parallel.
Using the make_omelette
object we create in the previous example, now I can have my omelette prepared by the MagicalRobotArmy paralell manner.
In real application, you can swich MagicalRobotArmy with any background task processing service.
plan = make_omelette.sort_depth
loop do
return if plan.empty?
sleep(10) unless MyMagicalRobotArmy.all_done?
plan.shift.each do |task|