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DER parsing classes and routines


~> 10.4, >= 10.4.2
>= 0
>= 0
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Ever wanted to do terrible, terrible things with DER-encoded ASN.1 data structures? Now you can!

While there are plenty of DER parsers out there, they tend to suffer from the misguided assumption that the data they're parsing is actually valid. Wild idea, it'll never catch on. In contrast, derparse makes the opposite assumption -- that everything is awful. This means that it makes an attempt to parse incomplete and, to a limited degree, corrupted DER-encoded data structures.

Why would you ever want this, you might ask? It's a niche requirement, undoubtedly, and if you're asking the question, that's a good indication that derparse probably isn't what you're looking for -- OpenSSL::ASN1 does a good job of parsing well-formed DER data.


It's a gem:

gem install derparse

There's also the wonders of the Gemfile:

gem 'derparse'

If you're the sturdy type that likes to run from git:

rake install

Or, if you've eschewed the convenience of Rubygems entirely, then you presumably know what to do already.


Instantiate a new DerParse object, giving it the DER-encoded data you want to parse:

p ="0\x81\x80\x02\x01\x2a\x04\x44\x65\x72\x50\x61\x72\x73\x65\x02\x01\x45\x6e\x69\x63\x65")

If you've got multiple DER-encoded strings concatenated, that's no problem -- DerParse will handle that. If you're traversing, you'll get multiple nodes of depth 0.

The {DerParse} class has a number of instance methods to help you examine and work with the parsed ASN.1 data.

Traversing the entire DER tree

If you want to examine every value in the DER, digging down into sequences and such, then you want #traverse. It walks through every element of the DER, yielding a {DerParse::Node} for each ASN.1 object that is encountered. When a constructed element (structure, set) is encountered, a node for the sequence or set will be yielded, followed by a node for each of the ASN.1 objects in the sequence of set.

p.traverse do |node|
  puts "Parsing depth: #{node.depth} Offset: #{node.offset}"
  puts "Header length: #{node.header_length} Data length: #{node.data_length}"
  puts "Tag number: #{node.tag} Tag class: #{node.tag_class} Constructed: #{node.constructed?.inspect}"
  puts "Value: #{node.value rescue nil}"
  puts "INCOMPLETE!" unless node.complete?

If you call #traverse without a block, it'll return an Enumerator, which returns the next node in the DER structure for each call to #next. It is more convenient when you want to construct parsing state machines.

Walking around nodes

If you want more control about how you travel through the tree of nodes, you can get the first node in the DER tree with {DerParse#first_node}. Every node has {DerParse#next_node} and {DerParse#first_child} methods, which do what they say on the tin. In both cases, if there is no relevant node, a {DerParse::Node::Nil} will be returned.

Examining a node

There are a whole bunch of methods which {DerParse::Node} has to help you query what sort of ASN.1 object you're dealing with.

It's is particularly important to note the {DerParse::Node#complete?} method. Because DerParse tries to give you as much data as it can, even if the DER is incomplete or corrupt, it needs to let you know when the data it's passing back is known to not be "correct", in a strict sense. What counts as an "incomplete" value, and what impact it has on the value of a given node, can get complicated. For full details, see the documentation for {DerParse#traverse}.

Finding objects in a corrupted DER

If you're working with a string that is missing its beginning, or has its early parts corrupted, you can try using the {DerParse#resync} method to try and "resync" the parser, based on knowing that an object of a particular type is in there somewhere.

It works by looking for an encoded ASN.1 object of a type you specify, and returning a node instance for that object, which you can then traverse using #next_node and #first_child (as appropriate).

There is always the risk of a false-positive when using #resync, so you should never 100% trust the values it gives back. However, to try and minimise the risk, we assume that the ASN.1 object you're looking for is complete (not truncated), and that the rest of the string is valid DER. This means that all of the lengths remaining in the DER must line up, which isn't particularly likely to happen at random.

The downside of this validation approach is that if the corruption extends to having extra "garbage" data at the end of the DER, then #resync won't find anything. You can turn this off by passing strict: false to #resync, but be aware that your false positive rate will skyrocket.

Rendering as a string

This is quite straightforward. If a DER consists entirely of object types that DerParse knows how to decode into Ruby values, you can just use #to_s:

p.to_s   # => "long, multi-line string of something something"

which means, of course, that you can print it to screen:

puts p

If your DER contains an ASN.1 value that DerParse doesn't know how to render, you'll get a {DerParse::IncompatibleDatatypeError}.

A collection of Ruby objects

For this, you can use {DerParse#to_a}. This attempts to turn a DER blob into a collection of Ruby objects. It handles many common ASN.1 data types, including integers, octet and bit strings, sequences and sets (turns them into arrays), and so on. If it hits an ASN.1 type it can't handle, it'll give up and raise {DerParse::IncompatibleDatatypeError}.

Compatibility and Coverage

The parts of ASN.1 that DerParse best supports are those which I've needed for my own purposes -- mainly sequences, integers, octet strings, and to a lesser extent OIDs. In particular, it's important to note that DerParse is for DER structures, so any BER-specific things like indefinite lengths are not, and probably will never, be supported. Support for rendering additional ASN.1 types into specific Ruby objects are welcomed via a well-tested PR.


ASN.1 has a long and glorious history of being difficult to parse safely. While parsing in a memory-safe language reduces the attack surface, I don't recommend unconstrained parsing of arbitrary input using DerParse. Reasonable care has been taken to not produce any absolute bone-headed bugs, but this code has not been intensively vetted for potential security issues.

That being said, DerParse is intended to be secure, and everyone wants it to be secure. If you do find anything in DerParse that is security sensitive, please e-mail




Unless otherwise stated, everything in this repo is covered by the following copyright notice:

Copyright (C) 2020  Matt Palmer <>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.