DhEasy login module
DhEasy login is part of DhEasy gem collection. It provides an easy way to handle login and session recovery, quite useful when scraping websites with login features and expiring sessions.
Install gem:
gem install 'dh_easy-login'
Require gem:
require 'dh_easy/login'
Code documentation can be found here.
How to implement
Before you start
It is true that most user cases for dh_easy-login
gem applies to websites with login pages and create sessions, so we will cover this scenario on our example.
Therefore, dh_easy-login
gem is designed to handle ANY kind of session recovery, even those that doesn't requires a login form POST
by just changing the flow from:
login -> login_post -> restore
To whatever you need like for example:
home -> search_page -> restore
Here are some user case examples that can be fixed by dh_easy-login
- Websites that invalidate requests with fast expiring cookies created on first request.
- Websites that generates tokens on every search (either on cookies or query_params) that are required to fetch a detail page.
- Websites that expires session due inactivity.
- Websites that uses complex login flows.
- etc.
Feel confident to expirement with it until it fit all your needs.
Adding dh_easy-login to your project
Let's assume a simple project implementing dh_easy
like the one described on dh_easy README.md that scrapers your website.
Now lets assume your website has a login page https://example.com/login
with a session that expires before our sample project scrape job finish, causing all remaining webpages to respond 403
HTTP response code and fail... quite the problem isn't it? Well, not anymore, dh_easy-login
gem to the rescue!
First, let's create our base module that will contain our session validation and recovery logic, for this example, we will call it LoginEnable
# ./lib/login_enable.rb
module LoginEnable
include DhEasy::Login::Plugin::EnabledBehavior
# Hook to initialize login_flow configuration.
def initialize_hook_login_plugin_enabled_behavior opts = {}
opts = {app_config: DhEasy::Core::Config.new(opts)}.merge opts
@login_flow = DhEasy::Login::Flow.new opts
@cookie = nil
# Get cookie after applying response cookie.
# @return [String] Cookie string.
def cookie
return @cookie if @cookie.nil?
raw_cookie = page['response_cookie'] || page['response_headers']['Set-Cookie']
@cookie = DhEasy::Core::Helper::Cookie.update(page['headers']['Cookie'], raw_cookie)
# Validates session.
# @return [Boolean] `true` when session is valid, else `false`.
def valid_session?
['200', '404'].include? page['response_status_code'].to_s.strip
# Fix page session when session is invalid.
# @return [Boolean] `true` when session is valid, else `false`.
def fix_session
return true if valid_session?
login_flow.fix_session do
save_pages [{
'url' => 'https://example.com/login',
'page_type' => 'login',
'priority' => 9,
'freshness' => Time.now.iso8601,
'cookie' => "stl=#{salt}",
'headers' => {
# Add any extra header you need here
'Cookie' => "stl=#{salt}"
Notice that our example valid_session
method uses 200
and 404
HTTP response codes to validate that our session hasn't expired yet, therefore, this might not be the case for your website, so make sure to modify this method to fit your needs.
Our fix_session
method will store any page with a failed session by creating an output so it can be restored later once we have the new active session cookie.
method will also mark the current session cookie as expired and enqueue a new login
page with HIGH priority as long as another parser hasn't already did it to avoid duplicates.
method will merge the request cookies with the response cookies, so we can be sure that the cookies are always updated when needed.
Next step is to create a simple parser that enqueue the POST
of our login page:
# ./parsers/login.rb
module Parsers
class Login
include DhEasy::Core::Plugin::Parser
include LoginEnable
def parse
pages << {
'url' => 'http://example.com/login',
'page_type' => 'login_post',
'priority' => 10,
'method' => 'POST',
'cookie' => cookie,
'headers' => {
# Add any extra header you need here
'Cookie' => cookie
Now let's handle the login response, seed and restore any page with an expired session:
# ./parsers/login_post.rb
module Parsers
class LoginPost
include DhEasy::Core::Plugin::Parser
include LoginEnable
def seed!
return if login_flow.seeded?
Seeders::Seeder.new(context: context).seed do |new_page|
login_flow.fix_page! new_page
def parse
'cookie' => get_cookie,
'expired' => false
# Wait for any pending fetch to be hold
sleep 10
Notice something interesting? that's right, the seeding happens AFTER we got our new active session cookie, so the pages we seed includes the session cookie. We use login_flow.fix_page!
method to add our latest active session cookie along some internal page['vars']
(used to handle page recovery) to our seeded pages.
IMPORTANT: This example assumes that login_post
pages will never fails, but you might need to add some extra validations to make sure the login attempt was successful before restoring your pages.
Note: This example assumes that all pages to be seeded requires an active session, so we will add it to all pages we seed, but this will likely not apply to all pages to be seeded in a real life scenario, so make sure to add it only to those pages that requires an active session.
So next step is to modify our seeder so it allow the cookie inclusion by adding a block
param that will be used by our Parsers::LoginPost#seed!
# ./seeder/seeder.rb
module Seeder
class Seeder
include DhEasy::Core::Plugin::Seeder
def seed &block
new_page = {
'url' => 'https://example.com/login.rb?query=food',
'page_type' => 'search'
block.call(page) unless block.nil?
pages << new_page
Now we will need to create a new seeder to seed login page:
# ./seeder/login.rb
module Seeder
class Login
include DhEasy::Core::Plugin::Seeder
def seed
pages << {
'url' => 'https://example.com/login',
'page_type' => 'login',
'priority' => 9
Now let's modify our ./config.yaml
to add our new page types on it, as well as let us parse failed fetched pages since our example assumes that website will return 403
HTTP response code when session has expired:
# ./config.yaml
parse_failed_pages: true
file: ./router/seeder.rb
disabled: false
- page_type: search
file: ./router/parser.rb
disabled: false
- page_type: product
file: ./router/parser.rb
disabled: false
- page_type: login
file: ./router/parser.rb
disabled: false
- page_type: login_post
file: ./router/parser.rb
disabled: false
And don't forget to modify ./dh_easy.yaml
to add our new routes and change our seeder so login page can be seed first instead of our old seeder:
# ./dh_easy.yaml
- page_type: search
class: Parsers::Search
- page_type: product
class: Parsers::Product
- page_type: login
class: Parsers::Login
- page_type: login_post
class: Parsers::LoginPost
- class: Seeder::Login
Now, let's will need to modify our routers as well since we modified our dh_easy.yaml
routes and added new classes:
# ./router/seeder.rb
require 'dh_easy/router'
require './seeder/login'
DhEasy::Router::Seeder.new.route context: self
# ./router/parser.rb
require 'cgi'
require 'dh_easy/router'
require 'dh_easy/login'
require './lib/login_enable'
require './seeder/seeder'
require './parsers/search'
require './parsers/product'
require './parsers/login'
require './parsers/login_post'
DhEasy::Router::Parser.new.route context: self
Next, we need to include our LoginEnable
module on every parser that requires session validation to fix any expired session request. To do this, we will be using our LoginEnable#fix_session
function as the first thing to do on each parser's parse
# ./parsers/search.rb
module Parsers
class Search
include DhEasy::Core::Plugin::Parser
include LoginEnable
def parse
return unless fix_session
html = Nokogiri.HTML content
html.css('.name').each do |element|
name = element.text.strip
pages << {
'url' => "https://example.com/product/#{CGI::escape name}",
'page_type' => 'product',
'vars' => {'name' => name}
# ./parsers/product.rb
module Parsers
class Product
include DhEasy::Core::Plugin::Parser
include LoginEnable
def parse
return unless fix_session
html = Nokogiri.HTML content
description = html.css('.description').first.text.strip
outputs << {
'_collection' => 'product',
'name' => page['vars']['name'],
'description' => description
Note: This example asumes that all pages requires an active session, so we will add it to all parsers, but this will likely not apply to all parsers in a real life scenario since not all web pages will require session, so make sure to add it to only the parsers that needs it.
Finally, we need to make sure that every page that requires an active session is enqueued within our latest active session cookie, so we need to use login_flow.fix_page!
method on all pages to be enqueued that applies.
As for this example, we already add it to our search pages enqueued by our seeder, so the only place left to modify is ./parsers/search.rb
parser since it enqueues product
# ./parsers/search.rb
module Parsers
class Search
include DhEasy::Core::Plugin::Parser
include LoginEnable
def parse
return unless fix_session
html = Nokogiri.HTML content
html.css('.name').each do |element|
name = element.text.strip
new_page = {
'url' => "https://example.com/product/#{CGI::escape name}",
'page_type' => 'product',
'vars' => {'name' => name}
login_flow.fix_page! new_page
pages << new_page
Hurray! Now you have implemented a fully functional login flow with auto recovery capabilities on your project.